PCHO Part 7

The MP that I attended was no more no less than the continuation of my imprisonment in Niger. All the lecturers that lectured me were chosen for looking like the same mercenaries that deported and were imprisoning me. Those people did not have the qualifications for lecturing at university, especially MP, they were before every course explains the courses that they regurgitate, never understand and writing the same notions they were explained by looking word after word their notebooks.

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PCOH Part 11

The result of the baccalaureate was declared in option, Bush control the regime of President Tandja Mohamadou, and then he has total controlled on the baccalaureate commission, choosing the correctors, the surveuillant, the president of jury, and the candidates. In addition, the mercenary who beg me to help him was one of Elizabeth II‟s mercenary . So, in the first seconds of the results announcement, the mercenary who negotiated came near to me. Then under the pressure of the optional announcement of the results, I go to the other side, I did not help him at all the tests, it was only to Physic and Math that I helped him by showing few drafts.

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PCOH Part 10

Now, we come to your highly expected series: Prince Charles Open his Heart the Part 10. Bellow is a simple overview: I register for the baccalaureate in January for the next session without never preparing it. It was only after 30 June 2005 ( the holiday started that day) that, less than 10 days, before the beginning of the bac set that year of July 5, I started revising. It is then quickly I just looked few formulas of Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and I created a group of work with some of my friends mercenaries.

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PCHO Part 9

There is another scene that is important as participated in the same decision to repeat the baccalaureate, in Alzuma'sdormitory in which room I stayed when Ihave a coursein the afternoon or even when I went at the university. They use my going there, to destroy my expectance of having the Canadian Scholarship. Remember, my determination to have this scholarship came from Grammar School Physical Education teacher, who as I said, stayed in Canada after he attended 2000s Francophonie game. Oumou was my classmate that was reported his niece. Her friend, Madina had a boyfriend in the dormitory, Omar.

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PCHO Part 6

In the same time, I was preparing the Canadian scholarship I had a friend British mercenary through the French system named Awa;, he talked me about the French scholarship that he was preparing to apply for.

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PCHO Part 8

During my first academic year, Elizabeth II and her accomplices organized a fair, to hide my imprisonment and torture cover up by surrounding me with Nigerien students of Husa ethnics. It was done for the purpose to structure that clouding of my memory of the crimes, I have been victim by a novel story linked to France. At the fair a conferences was organized with a jubilee which consists of clouding as well my memory of my family.

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PCOH Part 5

On the other hand I continue putting the pressure on Oscar to keep his word, of registering me in the US, he supported that he did not have money. I even went at the American Embassy for retrieving the visa form, as the detail of my Britishness is hidden to me. But, Oscar said that he did not have money to do me the promise registration in an American university. I was even pupated by the council’s mercenaries to look for a bank statement as they said that was how people illegally do to have the American visa.

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PCOH Part 4

That I suffered for having the remaining grades sheetsandthe letter of recommendationsfrom the teachers. I put a great deal of work for writing as well the research paper. I remember well the field of study I applied for is nuclear energy: using the nuclear to produce electricity. As the scholarship is for Nigerien students, and I was registered at school with a false and criminal Nigerien identity.

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PCOH Part 3

I dedicate myself entirely in studying for having the baccalaureate, not only having it but having it with the highest grade; so that Icould have a prestigious cooperation scholarship for studying in Europe, or in the US; the main country I wanted to do my studies, as though not knowing it clearly, I feel coming from them.

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PCOH Part 2

As I said it to the other mates then, it is quite clear that I would have the BEPC; but the all was to see if it was at the first or the second round. There are two rounds for this exam, the first one is passed with an average grade, whereas the second round is a catch up for not bad candidates.

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PCOH (Prince Charles opens his heart) 1

This diary is the best way to understand my life, with everything that made it from the joy of being with my parents, the deep traumatism epoch of the kidnapping, the hostage keeping and its pain and humiliations and my fight to be free.

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Presented you the University I did

On August 13, 2018 Prince Charles takes the road of the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey or in French Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey (UAM). He decided to film the different faculties he did and the Campus Numerique (UVA or université virtuelle Africaine) in which Cyber he goes regularly for doing his duty. After the UAM, the Prince filmed the Niger River that he presented to you in a very colourful video during a colourful day. Then he went to film Hotel Gawey, where he slept with his Mom, Queen Elizabeth II on September 31, 1983 before he was brought by her mother in Diffa.Barely did the the hostel changed over years, it remains the same.

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