August 15, 2018.
On August 13, 2018 Prince Charles takes the road of the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey or in French Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey (UAM). He decided to film the different faculties he did and the Campus Numerique (UVA or université virtuelle Africaine) in which Cyber he goes regularly for doing his duty. After the UAM, the Prince filmed the Niger River that he presented to you in a very colourful video during a colourful day. Then he went to film Hotel Gawey, where he slept with his Mom, Queen Elizabeth II on September 31, 1983 before he was brought by her mother in Diffa.Barely did the the hostel changed over years, it remains the same.
The originality of those videos, is that the Prince commented those différent places and highlight what they mean for him. Of course, as it is the case so often, the day he took those videos he felt very tense, anxious and nervous, after he went in the UVA and was illegally burn and contaminated with flu The UVA has a long time record of violating the fundamental rights of the political prisoner). Still in an articulate and almost poetic ways, he commented those palces.
The Prince heir to the throne, give you the different links of those historic places:
Hotel Gaway
Charles and Alzuma
3.FLSH Prince Charles did
4.Campus Numerique de la Francophonie when Charles goes
5. Hotel Gawey, he slept with his mother, Elizabeth II on September 31, 1983
6. The gate of Campus Numerique
7. LY and Dr Chabou's offices in FLSH
8. The Library of Science Faculty Charles did MP
9. The Niger River