Prince Charles on July 22, 2018 as you can see my nose has changed, but globally it is me.
July 23, 2018.
As I said it to the other mates then, it is quite clear that I would have the BEPC; but the all was to see if it was at the first or the second round. There are two rounds for this exam, the first one is passed with an average grade, whereas the second round is a catch up for not bad candidates. This is what happened, I had the BEPC at the second round. Logically I do not have a good grade to do this test. After being jailed in the jail in a cell with lot of Nigerien boys from the countryside the idea of being staying with many other kids did not charmed me. It comes in my head, the pain I suffered during that time. The council had one of my teacher of the private course talked about the Lycee excellence in a bad way. He narrated the history of a student of this school who left it for he had asthma for a so crowded place according to the description of the teacher. He said that student was one of the most brilliant of his new school. Remember, during those months of jailing with those kids the thing that bored me the most was the bad odors of those kids, who do not take bath during months. It is quite logical after hearing this history, studying in this school did not charm me anymore.
In Second the council and its mercenaries exploited my anxiety, and depression in attempting to be free before even the announced philosophic liberation of Premier to have me quit school. Once in Premiere after I see that philosophy would not teach me anything helpful for my liberation, I was discouraged and repeated the class. After failing the class, quickly I resume fighting for having the baccalaureate which I see as a freedom mean by having a scholarship to go in France, or even in the US for studying like Alzouma gave me the idea during my 5eme holiday in 1997.
Alzouma also came in 2003, when I was repeated the Premiere to stir up this goal he gave me, when I was in 5eme. He stayed in the same jail to have me tolerating the imprisonment by resuming studying for being free with the baccalaureate. He was doing Physics and Chemistry in Science Department of Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey.
All along his staying with me in the jail, he smartly puts me in English speaking mental frame that goes with my country, and culture. Many times he told me that he goes at American Cultural Center, where he conversed with the librarian in English. Funnily, he told me that he discovered that he spoke well English than him ( This is a technique for recalling me that English is my native language and that I speak it well). He added that he loves English. Here is how regularly he talked me about his regular visits of the American Cultural Center. He shows me the book, he borrowed there; wonderful books which though in English indirectly recalled me the beauty of my country, and made me re-putting myself in its perspective. He did not stop even talking me about new English words, he met while reading, or conversing; and he covered up all that with by using tough French words.
In Parallel, he reads the English high school book that I bought few months back in the big market that was written by British (English) agents. Time by time, he talked to me about fascinating parts of this historic book. Alzouma told me he discovered in this book how technology evolves at an extent teeth are cleaned with electric device in Great Britain. After him, the other British( English) mercenary Songoné visited me in the jail, and encouraged me studying for having the baccalaureate and looked for a scholarship for going in Europe or America studying as he told me that regularly.
When I reached Terminal in Sonni a classmate, AlKairou told me consistently, his goal was having his baccalaureate for going in the US study where his big brother was. In one word where my family was. On the other side, another classmate, Maine chatted with me on America by even criticizing France that they did not want me to go studying. Here is how I dedicated myself totally to have this baccalaureate that I see as the my freedom instrument. I was so dedicated in getting the bac with a good mention at an extent that I did not sleep, nor have any other occupation; I pass systematically all my time in studying. In the first Semester of my Terminal with even the council's interferences I was the fourth of my class.