July 26, 2018.
That I suffered for having the remaining grades sheets and the letter of recommendations from the teachers. I put a great deal of work for writing as well the research paper. I remember well the field of study I applied for is nuclear energy: using the nuclear to produce electricity. As the scholarship is for Nigerien students, and I was registered at school with a false and criminal Nigerien identity. It is asked to precise what is the career the candidate wants to pursue after getting the diploma once back in his country. It must be precised, I did not have any intention of being back in Niger, where I was jailed. Here is the reason why I even chose as field of study nuclear energy because though the country is one of the first producers of uranium if not the first producer, it does not have a nuclear plant. Seeing how sensible the nuclear is, it was clear that it could not have it for many geopolitical reasons linked to the danger of the technology. A nuclear central is very expansive, and the country is the poorest country in the world. It is quite clear, every person will tell you, that one does not study in a field in which he was sure notto have a job in the country after his studies, if he did not have the clear goal of working in another country .
In my case, the countries I planned to go was America or Great Britain because I had one goal being free, going home and being with my family. That is the reason that motivated me choosing this field of study. After long days of hard working for gathering the grades sheets, having the three letters of recommendation, and writing the field of study document I submitted my file to ANAB. Here is how I put endless days waiting, the announcement of the selected candidates by going endless times at ANAB. The test result was never announced. This was huge disappointment for me, as in it I see an opportunity to be free and go home. In fact the test would never be announced as it is as the false test of “Enfant De Troupe” .
The goal was simply to enable the council to gain time in jailing me by having me continue expecting being selected and called for the test and then having me tolerating my imprisonment just as with when I was in6eme. Many times have I been in the Agency, never had I seen or heardthe list of those selected.
Before even reaching the Terminal and having the baccalaureate the council and its accomplices when I was repeating the Premier work on me totolerate my imprisonment in Niger after the baccalaureate by accepting doing the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey. My private course Math teacher explained us the difficulty of studying a non common field in another country and the challenges they face once back in Niger. He talked us about the case example of his friend who he supported has studying ' Oil' in Nigeria , he said once back he could have a job, he was obliged to teach for surviving. He told us he faced the same problem as he could not find someone with whomto speak in the English languagewith which he studied, beside his casual and rare conversation with the few Ibo who are living in the country,
We were three in this course a female classmate, Rakia and male classmate whose name I forgot.Both were chosen to look like my adoptive parents and my kidnappers as well.Rakia said to Mr Sanda, our Math teacher that he wanted to study inNigeria. He stated that it is not fine for a girl to study outside the country.The reason, he gave was most of the femalestudents prostitute themselves for covering their studies.
Before, even applying to the Canadian test, I have asked my kidnapper, Oscar Wild to keep his word by registering me at university in the US, as he promised it when I was repeating the Premiere. In fact before even I got my baccalaureate when I was in Terminal, the council covered up Oscar as retiring so that he could claim not working anymore to register me in the US as he promised. Whereas he never worked not even in ONEP to retire, his only job was imprisoning and torturing me. Before, declaring him asretired he was presented asthe commercialdirector of ONEP for few months. He was given a new motorcycle for going at the so called work. Few days after I told Song that Oscar was the director commercial of ONEP, he shows me a newspaper, at the back there was the different directors of ONEP, and there wasn’t Oscar Wild. The function of director commercial was done by a man. The funniest of all, I am not surprised, as I know clearly he never works there. Song statement is to show me clearly I have only to count on my own effort to have the grant.
Oscar pretended retiring few months after I had the bac. After, I got he asked me to see a man, Dia another mercenary who was portrayed as a billionaire. Dia asked me first of all why did I want to study instead of Niger. I told him clearly that there are lot of strikes with the University of Niamey, and the formation is not of quality. Do not forget, Bush’s goal is simple, seeing me continue doing my undergraduate in Niger, which means continues being imprisoned by him. Of course, my goal is as simple as well, which is being free and going home, America and Galveston, my love island, where my parents are. He asked me how would I live, in case he registered me. I replied by working in parallel of my studies. He replied me that he would speak to Oscar. I waited during days, weeks, months, and years passed and Oscar supported that he never talked to him about that.