PCOH (Prince Charles opens his heart)  1


        This diary is the best way to understand my life, with everything that made it from the joy of being with my parents, the deep traumatism epoch of the kidnapping, the hostage keeping and its pain and humiliations and my fight to be free. Everything is in this diary that I title Prince Charles opens his heart. The title of this diary comes from the fact that it is in love that I narrated all those episodes of my life. If it is not for love worthy of all sacrifices, I would not surely narrate them to you because nothing is painful and traumatizing than recalling a past trauma and tortures. It is no more no less than refreshing them. And that is very painful as for days, weeks and months you are haunted by those pains. 

     Nevertheless, the first line, and the very idea that evolve to this diary, was a letter

 I wrote to give to the American Ambassador in Niger for asking my evacuation in the US. You may ask yourself, why did I write to the US Ambassador, when you are a British Prince, and not any, the heir to the throne? The question to this question is quite evident, the very responsible of my kidnapping are the ones that rules the British Consulate here in Niger. They rule with the complicity of my mother’s system and that of Steward the one my grandfather, gave all its power for him to free and put in his right, her grandson. All those three parts, have interests in maintaining me hostage in Niger, at an extent that it looks almost as stupid to send a letter to the British Consulate to evacuate me, she will never answer letter. It is abandoned that I am maintain hostage in Niger, and daily they league to torture and humiliate me as hostage. But, they cannot unite, for helping and evacuating me, beside the council that is almost defeated they will not do it, every side have interests in maintaining the Prince hostage, for proof 32 years later after my kidnapping, I am still hostage.

       It is in small parts that we will present you this diary, so that you understand what made me as Prince, and how those incredible experiences matured me. 

      As soon as I became fully aware child, I started to think about how to be free, how to escape my imprisonment and torture, not recalling the country I was kidnapped, deported from being imprisoned, my first attempt of being free I found it in having my certificate of primary school, by doing the test of ‘Enfant de Troupe” which is a test organized for selecting young that were to be sent in the military centres of the sub region of Niger, being Ivory Coast, Senegal etc.  The very idea of using this test as mean of being free comes mainly from the kids they controlled that made discussing the test so that I heard it and then become fascinated by it.  The council sees in this test, a mean to write a novel story on my identity and the crimes I was victim, that goes with me being deep in my head aware that my adoptive father was a military man “the British Military Attaché in Galveston” and my father Prince Philip wore sometimes military uniform as did my grandfather.  The members of our Royal Family has always been close to the army. The goal of the council is by having me desiring use this test as mean of freeing myself I would forgot my father and root and orientate my mind in Nigerien perspective as for doing this test you have to be Nigerien, then I would tolerate the Nigerien false identity that was forged to me so that it would continue my imprisonment by using its influence to have me failed at this test. Upon seeing that I become interested in this freeing attempt the council made Oscar Wild to tell me clearly when I would have the certificate, he would register me to the test. He told me that he had one of his friends a false officer who told him, he would help his son succeeding at this test ( It goes saying he used the word, son but it was quite clear in my head he is not my father, and I was jailed by them, but as a kid that was burn with red hot iron to give up his will and pride of Prince to his jailers would not evidently said that he was not his father, and then facing being beaten. In the same period, many times Oscar beats me and I try to run and be free. But where could go a jailed kid who knows no one in the prison? It is that the council sent one of his mercenaries to negotiate me going back in the jail). The same mercenary, who was chosen to play this role of test proposer  was chosen for looking as my adoptive father, John Jason. The council strategy being to dissociate me from my direct family, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. It is then as I saw an indirect freedom opportunity in this test if I succeeded it, I would be free of my jailers, by going in those countries where there were the training centres, before even recalling totally my country and going back home.  I studied hard for having my certificate.  


   I was registered to that test.  I did it in CEG Centre of Niamey, the same mercenary even attended it under the cover up of being one of the responsible of that test. He stood up near my table, throw a glance on my copies before continued his round. I was declared failing to this test, which I would have succeeded if it was true one. For I never attended an “Enfant de Troupe Concourt”, as the test was cover up for the council to put me in African perspective, and then have me tolerated my imprisonment. The false test was organized as a mean to distract me from my imprisonment as well. I could not understand then how I could lose this exam seeing how well I prepared I was, and especially when I had a good grade at the exam, everything that shows my intelligence. It could have not been otherwise as in all my Academic curriculum especially in primary school, I was always among the top 3 of my classes despite the interferences for having me had a bad grade. My intelligence is normal as I did the essential part of my education in the best schools possible in Cheam and Parker Elementary School in America. 

        That is how I started my 6eme in CEG 10 after I was oriented in that school with the inference of the council, the school is big, and yellow orange as Buckingham Palace. This is another attempt to hide my memories by confounding places. 

     I was doing 6eme when Oscar, told me another test would be organized, but this time for the first promotion that the Nigerien then President wants to create. It is not a new proper test that would be organized but a selection among the well ranked candidates who failed at the first test. Of course I never succeed it as the goal of this so called new test was to put me in a Nigerien perpective, after putting me in African perspective with the first test. With this new test the selectees would study in Niger, then it would have the opportunity of having me jailed with Nigerien kids. The test just as the first false one was done with the option of deporting me in another African countries. The council saw in that a new option an opportunity to explore for continuing my imprisonment in case, it came to see necessary for the imprisonment endangered by the starting of my recalling of the memories of my adoptive sister; Marsha that I thought seeing in one of his mercenary in the jail that pushed it trying to kill me. Then, this test of Enfant de Troupe though false was done largely in option of continueing the imprisonment, especially under the angle of putting me in an African and Nigerien perspective in order to have me tolerate my kidnapping.

           What is quite funny is even the way that this second test was announced to me through Oscar. He just told me that they would selected new persons among those who failed, but he did not tell me, when they would do so. That was how I continue my 6 eme class, with the hope that a day or another I would be free through this new test. He never told me latter, that they selected candidates were selected. He let me continuing living with the hope of being selected at this test that I saw as a mean of being free. The goal is having me tolerated my imprisonment.  As time goes on I started to see that I would never be declared succeeding to it, and I would never be free with it. I started to feel more than sad of my imprisonment and want be free then, more than before.  

       Still I keep fighting and passing classes up to 5eme, always sad and depressed.  During the holyday of this academic year a kid a mercenary, Alzouma introduced in the jail to relief me. Two year later the same Nigerien President, Barré Mainassara  is used to create a new school. The new school is for civilian and is named Lycé d’excellance, with the same principle of internat, then of mass jailing with other kids. The intent is to  seize this new school as a new hope to be free from the jailers, and then. After Alzouma’s visit my goal has changed as I do not want any more doing this Lycé d’Excellance, I wanted just to reach the Premier for seeing philosophy. The stirring up of the memories of my family, country, and crimes I was victim made me depressed, anxious, flashing and having lightheadness that prevent me having a good grades at the BEPS. Moreover,  in 4eme as soon as I met Alzouma, my goal was only to reach Premiere. When I came in 3eme in the middle of the apex of my depression, anxiety resulting from my frustration of not being free I could not pass the exam with a good grades. During the 1999 academic year that I did the class, I was befriended by Abdoulay Ayenin. He had as goal making me drink, continually for not having the mind to think about my family.  Abdoulay was a very bad frequentation for me, together we went at a night club, where he drank to death.  Gradually this same mercenary influence me selling the few books I was given for my studying by the council in kind of helping me study; when on the other hand used this kid to prevent me studying by having me sold for few pounds that I spent in buying alcohol and attending parties.

         It was simultaneously that Hama Chikel is used help Ayenin to cloud my memories with his movies, his horrible toilet, and the people that hired his flats Joel and her sister and their multiple abortions. He made us look lot of Indian, American and Nigerian movies in attempt to detach the Prince from his memories and identity. On the other hands many more mercenaries were used to play the others aspects of my kidnapping and deportation. Hadiza the feet chained side, with her one leg stumbling intends to have me clouded my feet chaining memories during the deportation, when Biso with his one handicapped leg was for clouding the memories of the handcuffing during the same sad afternoon. In the same period a girl was introduced in the main jail with an eye that is declared sick this is for hiding in my brain the blindfolded.  Ayenin with his girlfriend with whom he had sex in my cell aimed to subsist the crying and the yelling during the deportation by the romantic yelling of his girlfriend during their intercourses. In the same period of nightmare a mercenary is made beating his wife during many nights preventing me sleeping for even having the mind to think about my memories.

       All those chaos made that it was clear to me before even the exam of BEPC that I would have it, but not without a good grade, at least enough to this test of Lycé d’Excellance. As I said it to the other kids then, it is quite clear that I would have the BECPS but the all is to be known if it would be at the first or the second round. I succeeded it at the second round, without logically a good grade. It must be said also, after being jailed in the same jail in a cell with lot of Nigerien boys from the countryside the idea of being jailed with many other kids did not charmed me. The pain I suffered during those jailing, never left me. Beside, even those aspects one of my teacher was made talking us about student that left the school for asthma that is in anticipation of my reaching the 3eme. Remember, during those months of jailing the thing that bored me the most is the bad odors of those kids, who do not take bath during months. Then it is quite logical after hearing that doing this school did not charm me anymore. I did not even talk even the trauma I lived with my travelling experience in Lome with the pain I felt and this trip being a first escape attempt, just as that of Arlit. And in the cover up that student was even declared as the most brilliant of his new school after the Lycé d’Excellance.