Nov 28, 2018.
It was on November 20 that I posted this article on the facebook account of BCST UK on facebook to show you the humiliating place in which Prince Charles , the heir to the British Prince is sleeping jailed in Niger; when by the same time Simmon Bollom who is supposed to defend his interests as head of the System, was busy trying to kill him in the same mosque; and when his mother that jailed him was sleeping in a palace. That is very humiliating not only for me, but Uk, all its Subjects and the entire world as well. Imagine the Head of the Anglican Church sleeping in a mosque, surrounding by mercenaries, though we are for friendship between religions; but it shouldn't reach such point.
A view of the mosque of Cité Annexe of UAM in which I sleep.
I snapped the picture few hours back.
This mosque is in Cité Annexe of Abdou Moumouni University.
Prince Charles.