The donnor of human rights lesson, flouted them Part  3

August 17, 2018.

What Prince Charles and Great Britain are living, America will never live it; and should never happen in any country or Kingdom as the patriotic feeling and self loving ego, should always take the step on everything. It is as people talking here and there giving W. Bush after the Iraqi war and the end of his presidential to the international tribunal for the Iraqi war with the millions dead. To understand the proud of a people and a country regardless that the majority of the American people are against this war, and with some even passionately, they never even comment such idea that they perceived with unanimity as stupid. Still the high treasons were great, but never such idea take off. It was always only some non Americans that talked about it. The patriotism, the self proud is too great to accept that, and the Americans see as anti American than talking about that. Just never regardless the high treason Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton did, did the idea of jailing them rose. For the good reason that the function and incarnation of the President is to be respected. Still in America the supreme leader, is not sacred as he is not God Deputy on earth; he is not the Head of State of an all world as the Commonwealth, an organization gathering so much diverse and powerful countries. And all of those countries find themselves in her and her second, being the heir to the throne. They are tied not only by laws lie on a paper; but by history and a shared common good among which there is the British pragmatism and the respect of social values as regarding the elders, the women or the disables.

People used to cite Nelson Mandela as the world longest political prisoner of the world for spending 27 years in prison for not fighting to save his people, his country. When Prince Charles is currently in his 35 years of imprisonment without any easiness Mandela benefits. Contrary to Prince Charles, Mandela chooses to champion the freedom fight of his people. When Charles before even being adult to choose the cause of fighting to free his Subjects and Kingdom; the fight, the laws, the tradition, the nature and even his enemies have chosen for him by arresting him as the heir to the throne. The laws and traditions chose him by setting the first born of the reigning Monarch succeeds his parent. When the nature chooses him by making him not only the first son of the reigning Monarch; but the only child of his mother. She was aged 55, when his mother gave birth to him. Queen Elizabeth II was reported saying in deep happiness of having a son of her own, " I cannot believe I have a son of my own..." It was then in the last months of her productive woman life (before menopause) that she gave birth to him, how very important to you to know, after a Caesarian.

Prince Charles was born to succeed his mother. He was born to continue the legacy of his grandfather and mother. He was born to free his Subjects of the soul dirtying ideology of the council, who kill every single small virtue of our Subject. We were the most super powerful nation in the world when the council rose, and currently we are the 5th. To save our Subjects and making them matter, before the council, a British is everything that matter, now it the Jews that matter, when our Kingdom was behind even the creation of Israel as a country. No one forgets the Balfour declaration. It was our Kingdom that created the state of Israel by giving a part of our former colony, Palestine for the Jews to live and call it home. The new country would be called Israel. That is history and Prince Charles as BCST UK is for the two states solution. Two states living close to each other in peace and love. We never forget also the judo Christian origin of our Kingdom that made us sympathizing of the Jews in justice and love and for the common good.

To come back to our comparison between Prince Charles and Nelson Mandela two political prisoners leaders of the freedom fight of their countries; the former though it is the nature, the laws, his enemies and enemies of his Kingdom and the tradition that chose him as the leaders of the fight of freeing his Kingdom, as soon as he got adult and mature he chooses to be the leader of his Kingdom freedom fight. To carry out quite well his position, he decided at university to wrote his Master I thesis on the audacious theme of «Political Ambition in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Macbeth", aware he was of his political responsibility, of leading his Kingdom aspiration of freedom and development. With those two plays he acquired the two kind of necessary political skills he needed to carry out his work of Prince Heir to the throne and the next King.

With Julius Caesar he understands and sharps in his mind his political conception of democracy, dictatorship and monarchy. He understands how important monarchy is over classical democracy without monarchical check to temper and moderate personal ambitions in not ruining the Kingdom or the geopolitical ensemble. In that plays he understands how important that democracy to shine and to be salvatory needs the monarchical check as all the play turns about the best form of governance for Rome; with on one hand Brutus championing the democratic cause while he never thinks he was pupated by Cassius who is plotting in envy of Caesar but not for the fight to save the democratic form of Rome. That shows the deep danger of democracy without monarchical check as person are no more sacred person but crook individuals who are able to do every single bad lies to reach their ambitions, though those lies lead to chaos, and war in the country that they pretend to save.