The donnor of human rights lesson, flouted them Part 1

    August 13, 2018

Part 1

   It is network of countries: America, Russia, France, Niger and Great Britain, everything the world has of democratic countries, that pretend defending and protecting human rights that are imprisoning Prince Charles, still they do not respect his human right; they do not respect the right of the political prisoner. Whereas, daily you hear them criticizing the other for respecting human rights.

     The Prince is jailing by those countries through their corrupt political authorities who use official channels as Embarrasses and Consulates. And imagine that that the imprisonment is then publicly under the eyes of all, political elites, journalists, and daily people. Remember, to be in touch at small extent with the imprisonment of Prince Charles you just need to have access to Internet, to see his websites and social networks talking directly about it, to have total access to everything, you just new a spyphone, or watching satellites facilities. Still many corrupt politicians are torturing him jailed under the eyes of the entire world. Because to take properly Prince Charles is not hostage in any way, but a political prisoner. He has been arrested in the wave of a military coup, and deported in Niger after a short break in America. In Galveston he was not kidnapped, because in the jet he was reunited with his mother, with whom she was deported in Niger where he is currently jailed. In fact, in Galveston his kidnapping has been simulated. In one word from his arrest in Cheam (London) till Niamey, he was with his relatives (mother) who know exactly where he is for letting him there on October 5, 1983.   

   Prince Charles is notahostage, but a political prisoner, jailed by a well organize group of countries through their Embassies (French, American, Russian) and the British Consulate here in Niger. The mercenaries that are jailing himareunder the direct and primary control of Francois Mitterrand’ssocial circle directly roots and hosts in the French Embassy. And even the direct secondary control are through directly rooting in the American and Russian Embassies here in Niger. For example the direct mercenary that is jailing is officially a local CIA contractor hired for the American Embassy here in Niger, just as he isan American soldiers sent in Iraq.  His phone number 96107567 tells everything about his Americaness and his connexion to the American Embassy in Niger, just as to the American Presidential Administration, and public Institution as CIA.

     Prince Charles is a political prisoner of the first order, arrested for political reason and jailed in a very organizedand structuredprison, grounded on earth and on the official map of all the countries involved, just as clear and visible more than everything on earth on the map of the entire world. For proof as any prison there are towers monitoringand leading the imprisonment. Then he is a political prisoner and should have the rights of every political prisoner. This is in the principle. But do those  absoluterightsrespect? No we will say, especially by some official actors responsible of his imprisonment. Globally, all are not in the principle respecting his rights, and even the absolute ones, and it is the same regarding regarding the general aspect of his jailing. Should a British Prince, heir to the throne being jailed in a third world country, in the suburb countryside of the last country in the world, in a very filthy jail, losing even the basic; worstwithout even the average living standard of the inhabitants of the country as he has very poor and highly intoxicated food? No, a British Prince heir to the throne, should be jailed in a world super powerful country (if he has to be jailed, things that he shouldn’t by no way though respecting them, he cannot be courted under any British law just as in all the others jurisdiction ofall the countries of the world in respect of United Kingdom and its Subjects), in a Palace and inimprisonment conditions proportional with his natural living condition of Prince heir to the throne- living in Buckingham Palace and with the living standard of the second political authority of the Kingdom as second personality of the Kingdom. Not doing that, as it is exactly right now  the case, is not only humiliating to him but his mother, the British government, and the British Subjects, United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the entire world in one word.

 What the British Prince heir to the throne lived and is living, any leader or political authority has lived it. The humiliation he saw and is seeing, even to the Africans, defeated Kings, or leaders; defeated in logic of colonization racial domination context, were not done that. Where is Behinzin the Dahomeyan King, who defeated was exiled in Martinique and in Blida in Algeria. Inboth places, he lived with all his honours. He was exiles in those two places with his hundreds aids and kept his life style as when King reigning on his Kingdom. During all his exiles years,he lived in palaces.

      Toussain Louverture the leader of Saint Domingoresistance against theFrench domination lived also wellwithallhonour in a ford of France.

     So was Samori Touré whoresisted during many years to the French conquest of his Kingdom. Defeated, he was exiled in Gabon where he lives with all the honours due to his rank. Then think dear friends and comrades, ladies and gentlemen even in time and contextof racial and civilizational domination with the dignified exile or imprisonment that was given to Africans pre-colonial authorities; then how cana British Prince, not any but the heir to the throne haven’t such proportional imprisonment? It is quite logic that he should be imprisoned by benefiting all the reverence, respect, love and curtsy due to the Prince heir to the British throne. He was imprisoned in a third world country,without the simplest hounour and proportional living condition he is supposed to have as Prince heir to throne.

      It was the same,and even moreto even cases in our Western worldwith Napoleon Bonaparte, one of our Western world greatest military leader, and Emperor. After he was defeated, he was exiled in thefamous Island of Saint Helen. There he lives with all honoursand respect due to his rank.

   It was the same with Hitler, the fuhrer of the Third Reich. Contrary to what is  reported, Hitler was not dead, he lives in a region of Argentina as many credible sources reported it. In this region, he was addressed to as the "Fuhrer" and continues having the same respects as when he was in Germany leading the Third Reich.

      As you can see, never a first class leader of a country, a Kingdom has been imprisoned exile in such humiliating contest not only for him but also for his Kingdom. And our Kingdom, United Kingdom is clearly the greatest Kingdom with an Empire lieing on the entire surface of the globe. Respecting or imprisoning Prince Charles with the honour, dignity, and living conditions that go with his rank to heir ofthe throne,  itis not only himthat is respected but all theBritish Subjects, the friends and allies of United Kingdom.  It is simply a matter of self respect than respecting him. To understand the serious and the unbelievable shame of the situation. Imagine the arrest of an American President, his deportation in the last country on earth, and then his imprisonmentin the poorest area possible of the poorest country on earth, and giving him an imprisonment living conditions of the most poorest social class in the country. Prince Charles is imprisonment in the poorest neighborhood of Niamey, Aeroport, in a clay house surrounds by garbages (surround the night by mosquito and various insects that feast on him), of the most horrible nature, with only one meal the day, torture;and humiliating. Imagine how humiliating that will be for America and Americans to see their formers President (with Prince Charles there is difference here, though jailed he is the only heir to the throne) and any American no matter how hated he feels regarding the leader will not accept or tolerate that; just as any American will like tosee his fellow American being humiliated such way publicly at the full sight of his enemies and the entire world. Because from his enemies to the entire world any will neither love or have any respect from him, seeing how give to the world scorn, torture and humilation, their second supreme leader with sacred function. They will see the person as uncivilized person, of the worst wild nature who has any self and collective proud and lacking the smallest respect for the symbol of authority. For example, it is for the same matter of respect of the supreme authority incarnated by the President in classical democratic context, thatthe president as the supreme representative of the people that heis not judge by the classical court but by the Senate in the case of America. And he is never imprisoned  for example with all the different political scandals or high treasons, or all conspiracies many American Presidents have done, justany has been jailed. This is just to underline the supreme symbol of a Presient, not even Prince heir to the throne becausenothing is humiliating for America and its proud than having his supreme leader jailed or treated in bad and humiliating way: the image of the country matter before everything. Even in tropical democracy, not democratic according to many, even also in case of military coup not even a palace coup the President is not jailed properly but in puthouse arrest benefiting of the honour and especially living conditions he was used to when he was the President.