A picture of the house in which Prince Charles is jailing in Aeroport, Niamey Niger by the Council. Close to the house was sitting Oscar Wild; the mercenary jailing him for the Council.
Watch the full video filmed by Prince Charles by following the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLhk61dV4O4
August 15, 2018.
We talk about killing attempt ( sacrilège) on Prince Charles, the heir to the through car crash. But here is a précision is needed. It is a golden rule of the Mercenaries jaillng Prince Charles which states " No one gets closer to Prince Charles, without being a mercernary of one of the countries leading his imprisonment; all under the primary control of the French socialiste circle leading the imprisonment". Just after France comes America which has the secondary control on the imprisonment networks. For example, the house Charles is jailing is circled by mercernaries under American primary control. Then comes Russia especially in the very jail, he is jailing in which the country has primary control through Oscar Wild under the control of Jenner Bush who replaced her father George Bush in the role ( On Oscar the American Embassy has influence because he is a CIA agent, and former marine, who even attendes the Iraq during the 1990 golf war). Outside, the jail America has more power than Russia. It can ever act without taking in account the circle's orders.
All those countries operate through their Embassies. Great Britain is the fourth in terms of influence in the imprisonment. But most the time, if not always it Is Great Britain That acted as the circle Is employed by the Council. The British Consulate serves as primary control because located in the French Embassy)
The same rule is true when Charles takes a road on foot or on bus. The roads he takes are quarentining, only take them mercernaries on foot, on bicycles, motocycles or cars all hide as daily people. In case all those Mercenaries agree to do the sacrilège ( killing Charles), they Just block their cars and men, for the car choosen to kill, to operate.
They do not all need, to agree every country may decide using its influence in the imprisonment circle to do it and carry out alone the conséquences.
Then by no way can Charles being victim of a road accident that may hurt, or kill without them wanting, planning and doing it deliberatly.
Watch More about Prince Charles imprisonment: 1. Inside Aeroport, Prince Charles is jaileing: Filmed by him
2. Prince Charles Daily Road. From Grand Marché to Aeroport.