Israel Palestine conflict and a history of propaganda

Nov 22, 2018.

       Our kingdom has a historic responsibility in this conflict (for being the one behind the creation of the State of Israel) of making Israel live peacefully with its neighbours especially Palestine. Prince Charles feels ashamed of our Kingdom retreat from this conflict because acting like we do by adopting any measure to end it: is like planting instability and deny every responsibility. No! From the beginning the idea was to correct a historic mistake, healed historic wound: the Jews stateless. The idea was to create love and friendship among nations. But by ceasing following the integration of the new State, we transformed a huge salutary action in a historic mistake. At the creation of the State of Israel almost no one condemn it. There was a silent unanimity. Creating Israel was the best thing to do especially regarding how the Jews suffered of the holocaust for mainly the lack of their own state-everywhere they were minority. 

       The greatest mistake was not following the politics of the two countries; two countries living peacefully together. No, we let them alone without assisting them in cohabiting pacifically. Our retreat made the natural desire of expanding taking the lead to the need of creating the conditions of the living together by solving everything with dialogue. Our kingdom should have been the meThis is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website. You can edit all of this text and replace it with anything you have to say in your news/topic article. You can also change the title listed above and add new articles as well. Edit your Articles from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button. diator of this process. We have a historic responsibility toward both the Jews for bringing them in a place where regularly they are rocketed or cry their loved ones. We have the same responsibility toward the Palestinians for being idle and letting them losing a great part of their country until coming to a point that they do not have a country any more. That is not the world for which we are fighting.

       It is to be observed that my grandfather, King George VI who created the State of Israel did not reign longer to achieve its project and dream of the two peoples living together  as that was his goal then. Israelis and Palestinians are cousins. You cannot distinguish a Jew and Palestinian should they born, grow in Israel or Palestine and dress the same way.  Do not let anyone mislead you with their re- writing of history by painting them eternal relatives in eternal enmity. Before 1949, there was any Arab country where at least 15% of the population is not Jews, living peacefully and practicing their religion pacifically. That is true with even the most conservatives Arab Kingdoms as Saudi Arabia where a deep conservative form of Islam is practicing. Still then, just as now, there are a striving Saudi Jewish community living peacefully in their Kingdom. It was even the Palestinian Israel conflict that made a good part of them leaving their Kingdoms as though their brothers’ and sisters’ attitude remain the same toward them; though their looks become cold as influenced but what is happening few hundred miles from them. Whereas, before the creation of Israel, they were living in total harmony with their loved ones. There was any injustice for them to feel frustrated by their presence. In 1952, Queen Elizabeth II came on power and in the shade of her reign was the council, a terrorist organisation with terrorist method, having a very harmful approach of the matter. They decided simply to change a peace factor in  war’s. They decided to oppose the two cousins for economic reasons, remember it was the same year Israel was created, that happened the economic partnership around the oil exploitation between Saudi Arabia and the US. America as country is to be blamed for nothing, but the trouble makers are all around, the council. Remember once again they have two goals making profits and spreading their harmful form of leadership (classical democracy  without divine check as incarnating by a monarch and making weak our Kingdom)  all around the world  in order to sink it in chaos for them to control it. 

       To make it simple, the council to have access at good price if not free the Saudi’s oil or other Arab Kingdoms’ needs to oppose them; needs to create a conflict that would make it easy with the political instability to have access freely to this resource. Is it a secret for a single person on the surface of this world that the world first weapon buyer is Saudi Arabia? Does it occur to you to ask yourself why? It is mainly linked to this conflict as the first Sunnite power (Saudi Arabia) the Palestinians being Sunnite as well. Wahabite’s Kingdom wants also to promote also its Sunnite ideology; with Iran becoming an Islamic Republic the moderating monarchic aspect disappeared that made it very antagonistic regarding Saudi Arabia (we come to that point in detail).

        So it was deliberately that the countries have been pushed to adopt gestures and behaviours that created the rhetoric to oppose them. With Israel under the influence of the council which with the end of King George VI’s reign has many proxy powers to make unilateral move for increasing its space. And Arab countries as Egypt was also pupated to push for the Palestinians. That created a point of non-return in the enmity between the two countries and groups: Arabs and the Soviet Union (east), and Israel and America (the west). Then all toxic ingredients were given opportunity to enter in the sauce by opening the pot, whereas initially they were absent and do not even have space to enter. The Soviet Union implication was with the Egyptians push. And it was deliberately that this toxic politicization has been made at an extent that now the Soviet Union was no more and the Russian involvement is has low as possible; still from the current state of the conflict, a peace deal is qualified of impossible; meanwhile to fuel the problem endless parallel conflicts were created with the very last one, Syria and the emerging one Yemen.

         There are two kinds of groups of Jews that are behind the creation of the country: those who lead to the escalation - the end of the consensus around the creation of the country- either in Palestine and in the region with the other Arab countries; and those who were the creators of the country. To sum up the end of the reign of my grandfather, let isolate the original Jews behind the creation of the country and who were backed by UK, the West and even Arab countries. With the arrival on the throne of Queen Elizabeth II, it was the council that takes the power. It first of all stopped helping Israel with the British mediation easing the integration of the country in the region, and uses its version of relativity Jews (mainly American Jews) to exchange with the country. More the first ones are monarchists (they are for values and friendship between nations) more the second group which through the democratic state of the country takes the power are pro Republicans, living in a relative world without values, but only sees interests in every liberal policies that alienate the Conservatives nature of the country; quickly help by the council they push in the sense of territorial gain that alienated the Palestinians and the Arabs globally.

     It was the 1970s wave of massive Russian Jews immigration that changed considerably the balance of power. Those Jews for the essential are in the monarchists’ side. They stabilized and almost reversed the Council’s influence on Israel. In addition the council and Elizabeth II never have exclusive influence on Israel their influence is through the American Jews. But, the country never has a good relation with them this has everything to have with matter of ideology. Thus Queen Elizabeth II never visited Israel.

      To complicate and render almost impossible the resolution of the conflict between the two countries, the Council has rewritten history whenever it could to make the two countries as eternal rivals. This kind of quick generalization contributed to brain wash people in seeing, the conflict insolvable.  Clerics have been manipulated to make printing of the Bible, Thora, and Koran such way to present Arabs and Jews eternal enemies. They sometimes back their claims by citing Ramses’ II and Moses’s feud. In the face of modern historic evolution such claim does not stand one second. It has been scientifically established that the antique Egypt’s Pharaohs were black skin Africans. It was by the end of the millenniums around 1 century BC that the Persians, Ptolemaic invasion of Egypt changed its demographic face. Then the two groups are not Arabs and Jews to hate each other then.  A numerous group, the Jews were not during the time of the Egyptian, Roman and Greek empire, to form a solid Kingdom 

          When it comes to their expansion in Europe this is due mainly to the historic proximity with Christian- Christianity was born from a Jews current. Then it is naturally that they immigrate in the European continent which is totally Christian.  The massive dislocation of Jews in favour of Europe came, after the crusades with the last fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1292. The kingdom was found after the first crusade in 1099. With the final immigration, they were welcome warmly by Europeans as they are seen as brothers' refugees from the other side of the Mediterranean, chased by the enemies. 

        Elizabeth II wherever they can, attempt to rewrite history to make the crusade against Muslim and Jews. When it intends to free Jerusalem inhabited by both Jews and Christians. The crusade aimed to free both Christians and Jews. Then in the Middle East context it was hard to distinguish the two (Christianity was born from Judaism). In addition they did not hate each other for long for the crusification of Jesus. The two religions are always brothers. They attempt to do so by creating a cover of the Jews eternally loathed by all. During the World War II they pupated, Hitler to use such lies of Christian hating Jews for initiating the holocaust.

       Thus cliché of eternal hate between Arabs and Muslims even during Roman period does not stand.  The all go with geopolitical considerations between the different Islamic Kingdoms as that of Saladin and Byzantine that continue for thousands years the ephemera Roman Empire; and confounds political expansion to religious one. For proof as we said it, in all the different small kingdoms that made Byzantine there was a striving Jewish minority leaving and practicing their religion peacefully around Muslims. 

      The same council after sinking the chaos in the Middle East with the Iraq war tries to apply the last point of its agenda, setting democracy in this second largest monarchical space of the world just after Europe. The council pupating W. Bush to publicly attempting to set classical democracy in this eternal political stable region of the world due the monarchical nature of its leadership. After the failure of the Iraq war, Mr Bush attempted in vain to transform the different Kingdoms in Republic. The planned coup could only fail; those Kingdoms were the most stable geopolitical entity in the world. With a fair handling of the oils revenues. 

        The stability of this region is fundamental to peace in the world, and also in our Kingdom because Europe and the Middle East are the two spaces where there are the most Kingdoms. The Middle East did have many Kingdoms, but very solid and striving monarchies as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait. If this region wealth is well shared and goes as well to its Subjects; it is mainly because there have stable political system (monarchy). Monarchy created the conditions of a long and stable political system that allow the leaders to make the Subjects have their shares in their Kingdoms’ wealth. Whereas in classical democracy with the political leaders having equal power than in the monarchical context, they do not share the wealth among their people especially when not challenged.

      Under our reign, we will strengthen those monarchies, and reset the lost monarchies of the region. Before the council and Elizabeth II plotted and created 9/11 attack, the Afghanistan war, and Arab Spring that leads to the Syrian civil war with the rising of ISIS, there was not Islamist terrorism with its deadly attacks. Everything, which acknowledges how important stability in this region is. For proofs the Iraqi’s war leads to 2008’s economic crisis in the US and the world. Originally, the root of all those chaos are linked to Israel Palestine conflict with the polarization of the world it created. 

      The fall of the Shah’s monarchy in Iran in 1979 is the second root of this division and conflict in the Middle East. The replacement of this monarchy by a hard Shi’ite Islamic regime strengthened the classical division between Shi’ite and Sunnite in the world. This regime is only tempered by its first sight monarchical structure, with its Supreme Leader who is a de facto King, and a President who has somehow the power of a Prime Minister.The exact word is that the Iranian monarchy is replaced by a Constitutional Monarchy.  Monarchies before everything do not create the conditions for uncompromising oppositions with the other countries; especially when they are monarchies. They simply back each other. It is these new regimes that through its politics have playing the politics of division of this region.  It has transformed the Middle East and the world in two blocks, the Sunnite world championed by Saudi Arabia which is in the Western side, and the Shiite leads by Iran and supports by the Soviet Union and now by Russia. The new division strengthened the Israeli Palestine conflict with the Palestinian side gaining a new big ally, Iran, which is in deeds enemy of Israel.

         The conflict is the only one capable of gathering these two great opponents: Saudis and Iranians. They all agree that the Palestinians are deprived of their rights and land by Israel. Worst Iran thinks that the Saudis are even soft in their defence of Palestine; they accused them of being pupated by Western countries. In fact before the Iranian revolution, the Kingdom was in the Western side, backed by America and the monarchists have relatively great control on it. They were globally behind the Iranian revolution which at great extend made the country out of the council’s reach. In addition the new regime that was set was just a soft copy of the former monarchist system to which democratic aspects were given. 

    The proxy wars between West and the Soviet Union continues until 1989 with the war between Iraq and Iran. There was a harsh war between the West and URSS for the control this region; especially with the Israel Palestine conflict. Contrary to many clichés, Iran is not as opposed to Israel as its intolerable rhetoric suggested it. Its presence in the region and direct support to Palestine, and direct opposite action regarding Israel on the land prevented the council and its accomplices manipulated Israel to go toward its own destruction. 

    It is very curious that they have once wanted the creation of the State of Israel after during 4 years manipulated Hitler to exterminate the Jews systematically. And Hitler is clearly under their influence. It is even a matter of universal truth that they remove from the extermination camp any Jew they want as it was said in Keynes’ biography. You may ask how? Simply by asking Hitler to release any person they wanted out, such way the council has freed as much Jews as it fits its politics. Then they were building their system. It has built its ideological system on an irony that of mocking of the Jewish pain and sufferance they inflicted them through Hitler. By the same way the later though deeply engaged in the extermination of Jews hang up with them even somehow in public for his propaganda purpose. By now way that politic is different of a dictator, killing its opponent and later erected him hero of the nation who is very influence. The council and Elizabeth II builds their ideology of European Jews (especially Jews coming from Germany, Poland, Austria or from the German neighbourhood ; whereas the Soviet Union and its empire Jews’ are totally against the council and its ideology). The all came to bring those informed of their responsibility in the holocaust to think, they were not against them since they made Einstein their ideology banner carrier. 

            That is not only for a propaganda purpose but also for using Israel and its existence in the region as a mean of creating instability in the region for profiting of the oil of the region. The weapons supply of Israel aimed to push it to lead to its own destruction in trying to conquest all, or the essential of the Palestinian state and being attacked by all the countries of the Middle East. Iran through Syria and especially Lebanon created a distraction to prevent Israel attacking frontally Palestine and by the same way giving time and support for the monarchists to take the power from the council in the country to resume their defence of Israel and continued the application of their agenda. 

       There is an element that people intoxicated by the council propaganda never underlined, since the Iranian revolution, there was not any single inter countries war between the different belligerent beside the containment war between Lebanon and Israel. From then, the conflict only takes in the extremist case the form of funny opposition between a super powerful country and a weak territory resisting with the mean it has i.e. stones and rockets. Nevertheless, Israel  emerged weak with its sophisticated weapons and highly developed army that comes to see its power like its weakness. Attacking frontally the Palestinians the others Arab countries will intervene, and reacting strongly against the Palestinian desperate attacks. The international Community will condemn it strongly and isolates it. That leads to the current state of equilibrium of a constant tense climate between the countries, without the council being able to use Israel to lead to its own destruction and making itself unpopular. By lack of being able to apply its primary objective of destroy Israel, it strengthened its second plan being working on all fronts: intellectual and scientific fields to portray the conflict as impossible to be solved. That leads to Israel and Israelis trapped in living a perpetual state of war which has heavy death cost on its population; and  cannot end regardless its determination. The council through the Jews lobby in America is acting constantly for that to never happen by supplying Israel weapons and money to end militarily a war that does not have military solution. They consistently put the pressure on Israeli Prime Minister to give land to Jews colonizers and by the same way making very hard, gradually the signing of any single peaceful deal.

      Without the power of the monarchical systems this region of the world one of the wealthiest and pupated, would not be stable as they are now? With all those manipulations the only geopolitical entities that did not fall in the chaos are the monarchies and that for two reasons mainly. The first one is intrinsically the monarchical systems are strong and have great popular appeal with the people of this space exclusively Muslims. And their religion only accepts the monarchical form of leadership. Their religion required them, the application of Sharia, the Islamic laws, the only form of leadership that Israel accepts. The classical democracy and democracy by itself is seen as the rule of lies, sins and confusions. The ideology conceives democracy even in the monarchical concept like the rule of perversion because the persons can even militate for the application of something that is even forbidden and consider sinful by their religion.  It has largely done its proofs to even give further explanation; the initiator of democracy, the Plato and Socrates thought, conceived and shaped it in monarchical context with religious backing. Those philosophers always defend that their morals, their ideas they have them from the God they served in relation with their monarchs. In addition the fragility and lack of durability of the Greek and the Roman Empire are only due to the democratic system that gives voice to men’s ambitious instincts. The fall of Rome is the irrelevancy of the democratic system by the same way the fall of URSS has everything to have with the incoherence of the communist theory. A political system to survive needs religious aspects.  Many historians wonder about the durability of Byzantine contrary to Western Roman Empire that only last few centuries, when the first lasted a millennium.  That durability is due to the good political system- monarchy with religious backing was used especially with the respect and cultivation of values that it created. 

         The second reason made that the mutual backing of monarchies did that by no way would they let one of theirs toppled and then facing the logical domino effect that such phenomenon may have. Consequently, Elizabeth II and the council only succeed with their huge conspiracy sinking non monarchical countries as Iraq of Saddam Hussein because his reign, besides not being monarchical does not have religious implications. That was the first council attempt of setting democracy in the region and it ended with the leaving of the white house by W. Bush.     The same council attempted also during Obama's administration to apply this plan with the Arab Spring ( Obama though part of this conspiracy was not leader as this group was championed by the French President of the time, Nicholas Sarkozy and the British Prime Minister, David Cameron  who acted for the council). With vigilance they did not succeed toppling and transforming any Kingdom, it is only dictatorial countries as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya that fall.

The Arab Spring started with the self-immolation of a Tunisian fruit seller. And the planed sabotage will topple the stable politically and economically regime of Ben Ali; after it was geared toward the more stable regime of Hosni Mubarak that was in its fourth decades. No one could imagine that the Pyramid of Cairo a symbol of stability would one day fall, especially when there was any particular unhappiness. Then the next logical regime is Libya of Moamar Gadhafi, another longest and stable regime in the Middle East, though very unpopular due to the populism and revolutionary approach of the Libyan leader.

Prince Charles once King George VII will solve this Israel Palestine conflict. We bring the two Parties around a table for making them negotiate and find a peaceful solution to the problem. The two States solution is the solution to the problem: Two independent countries living together in peace and harmony.

        For the acceptance of a peace agreement, the deep reason of the conflict has to be addressed. We will find a viable alternative to oil. As longer as oil is the first source of energy there will not be peace between the two countries. Oil, through the geopolitical calculation it brings is the main causes of the conflict. The other parallel conflicts as the Syrian, Yemenis conflict need to be and will be solved as well.

                                                        Prince Charles