December 03, 2018.
The Commonwealth was created in 1949 in the shade of the wave of calls of more autonomy and independence that touched our empire. My grandfather, King George VI was on power but the council with the Indians independence that leads to the creation of the Commonwealth becomes a polar of power. They were enough powerful then, to set their print on the Kindgom ruling as with even the choice of the name of Commonwealth. An ironi will you say, because the short time illegal and illegitimate regime of Oliver Commonwell was named Commonwealth. A name that shows his huge desire of illegal power, as he almost gave his name to our empire. Many cannot miss to see that between Commonwealth and Cromwell the differences are just of few letters.
Beside those considerations the name, he gave to the union means clearly his summative vision of it "Common", "wealth". Meaning he sees the new union as a Commonwealth, everything that stresses his materialistic and Republican views. Because he thought in classical democracy without divine and monarchical check what matter is the material or a well being economy ( being a common good), or the later can replace both. In his eyes the common interests are enough to serve as higher goal, and common denominator that would tie persons in a single geopolitical entity rules by democracy. This is remaining blind to the real cause of the civil war which is more about values than something else. The Parliaments and the Lords that led to the civil war was motivated by their desire to have more power in the face of the monarchy but not to dismantle it. There was also on the other sides the religious claim that was as well important in the causes of the war. That made this new regime relying on illusion collapsed as soon as he died.
Cromwell’s heirs, the council as soon getting powerful gives the name of his fragile and utopic regime to their first victory, the organization composed of the fragments of our union it broke. That is history of the Commonwealth. By the way that is the kind of very unstable, ephemeral and untopian their illusion teach them, they can set in our Kingdom. Never UK will always be a Constitutional Democracy.
The council having power in the shade of Elizabeth II's reign never translates in deeds the symbolic name given to the organization, by making of it a striving economic organization. It becomes just as a folkloric organization without real soul, neither purpose. There is any especial economic partnership that ties its members. There is not deep political points that charactics it; it did not even meditiate in conflicts regarding members states. Most of the times it was just about regular sportive and cultural game: the Commonwealth games. A total destruction of the soul of the organization. The council takes care that influences and the power our Kingdom has in it, as the glue tying all the disparate parts never appeared in it at first sight. It was at this year Summit of the organization heads of States that it was decided Prince Charles, we, will succeed our mother, Elizabeth II; after they have even hesitated making the position of Head of State, elective regularly. When its aim was to stress our shared history that should be used to develop the organization through its members which will benefit of our kingdom, influence, experience and help. Though they will bring to us as much as we will bring to them.
On the political front we will serve as mediator for serving the delicate conflict between Indian and Pakistan. We find it unbelievable that there is so a huge conflict between the two last mentioned countries, very important in our Commonwealth, when they have lot of things in common to be friends. Its soul is even the opposite of the current attitude regarding this conflict. The soul and spirit of the organization was even to create good understanding between its members states. Due to our strong historic relation with those countries no one has great easiness to mediate between opposed countries of the organization. With King George VII the Commonwealth will be a Commonland.
Indeed everything is wrong with the current organization deep to the name by itself. The exclusive business partnership never made good partners, good friends even though you suppose there is real economic policy, but ideological alliances made good friends as it appeals for everthing good. When commonwealth stressed opposition as the organization is about wealth and material. It is a convention that good economic partners so so often made bad friends as each side will try to outsmart the other and having great power and profit. The crook and greedy economic partners only see their interests all the others come to nothing.
The Commonwealth under Prince Charles will be the Commonworld. We will give the organization and its members, the power they deserve. It will be transformed in an inclusive organization, covering all the different fields of life. We should not miss to underline the right world, our Commonworld will be our UN. The later was an irrelevant organization which failed lamentably, by putting the black veil on Prince Charles’ imprisonment with the regular humiliations and tortures that characterize it. Therefore it fails to prevent 9/11, the Afghanistan and Iraq war in which it was not even associated, as W. Bush launched the war without consulting the UN.
We will create subsections to take in charge the different points from the economic to the political field. The economic section will be in charge of easing economic exchanges between the organization members, which in all regions of the world will have strong economic links as there will be less taxes and disadvantaged economic transaction globally.
The economic aspect will be particularly important with our leaving with the EU. We will deal with our natural partners instead of treating through the lenses of the EU, losing influences on our allies and, they, lacking the friendly helping hand they need.