Kitty Spenser
August 13, 2018.
In 2006 when Charles was feeling the weight of his imprisonment without any contact with his race a girl was appeared Madi in the area toward the north side. With her family they were under the influence of the British. Madi as that was her name was chosen for looking as Charles Arthur's mother, Queen Elizabeth II. She came in a critical moment of Charles' imprisonment. The prince feels isolated from his own race as he was imprisoned in Aeroport with any opportunity of seeing his fellow white. But, she wasn't for romantic purpose either, she was cover up as uneducated girl of the Tuareg ethnics. She pretends not understanding French or the Zarma language that the Prince understands somehow. She did gesture of wanting to have a sentimental relation with Charles. The prince initiated a relation with her, but which kind of pair could theybe when they do not have a single language of communication. Madi was highly beautiful, she was chosen in looking as the Prince's mother and also as Marsha. This lack of common language of communication prevented their relation to take off. They kind of dating for many months. They even took a pictures together. The prince had then a Motorola L6, he bought with his first students scholarship. Of course the council is behind her preventing the development of the relation.
Madi as Balkisa was under the influence of the British Consulate the monarchists also collaborated in her staying in the hostage keeping area. She showed up more for serving as a attenuator of the imprisonment without racial proximity. As in 2004 as soon as the Prince got his bac he started to go in CCFN ( The Franco Nigerien Center of Niamey) which was the only place he could see his fellows white. Nothing was painful for the Prince regarding his imprisonment if not the total absence of his fellow whites. He spent 25 years without seeing any fellow white, it is only in 2001 that he sees the first white, an old Canadian monk riding on a bicycle while Charles was going in his hostage keeping area. He was that afternoon more than happy to see her. During months it is only her face that she sees. Every time, he took the bus when he reached the place, he checked if he could see her in her mainly white and blue religious dress. Indeed many times she saw her at the same Rond Point Eglise. It was naturally when he had the opportunity to go in CCFN as on thewayof Abdou Moumoni University of Niamey that she went there regularly.
In CCFN, he remarked an agent of the library, she is white, either a French or British. He falls in love of her, if you can simplify the feeling she had towards her. She looks like Marsha, she looks like his grandmother, The Queen Mother. Any time he saw her, he was caught by a magic feeling, which nature he doesn't know exactly; in his brain was stirring memories of his relatives that he was split from several decades back. Kidnapped very young and his superficial memory cleaned, he did not then recalled in articulated awareform his memories. Nevertheless, he had them innon articulated form; he had in his brain inpieces of memories- that is how he has his identity and family. Anytime, he sees someone who looks one of his relatives, he feels deeply attached to the person, because he recognized naturally the person as relatives to him like he has the memories.
This woman tells him such strong feeling. Whenever he saw her, he felt attracted by a magical strength. He loves her as he loves those personshe was selected in looking like. Many times he planned to talk to her and share with her, what she meant for him. He needs going further in that, he is afraid of the failure of telling her his feeling, his love. He is afraid of being rejected by her. He equally thinks that speaking to her, and creating a direct link would reduce the intensity of the red volcano love he feels. Imagine, he spent then, every morning watching her from far. He was there sitting on a chairs when always on 9 strike o’clock she comes at work and walking in front of him, headed toward her office; always with her black dress, he never sees her with any other colour than black this same color that helove in Great Britain, his Kingdom. He always asks himself why did she always wears black color dresses; he never got the answer.
Some weeks, he even goesin the CCFN Jean Rouch twice, especially on Friday as an additional day. He studies in the Center during the entire morning. He was there when she left around 1 pm. If he did not speak to her, it has everything to have with the first woman he dated. She was a French, she told him. From Toulouse she came from. How can he forget her name: Cecilia. We are surely going quickly in our narration, we didn't tell you how they met? It was in the same center in 2005, where he goes regularly already. Charles saw her passing heading toward the library, during many days; it was exactly the third times that he decided to speak to her. She was minutes before working sculpting a wood to give it life, to give form, she was a sculptor. She sat in the cafeteria less than 5 yards from the Prince.