He was jailed without sentimental life Part  7

August 17, 2018.

She orders a coffee; before it comes she was busy thinking with this air of insouciance, proper to angels. Charles Arthur who was staring her from the other side, decided to speak to her. Was it the first time, she spoke to her, no! All the endless time she saw her; they spent long minutes staring each other intensively. They more than conversing with each other, they reveal their souls.

Prince Charles stood and sat close to her around the same table. Then started between the two a passionate conversation at the light of the days intense and passionate staring. They introduced themselves. She said that she comes in the West African country for her internship.

She had a white angelic dress, shining of grace under the sahelian sun rays. Cecilia came in Niamey two weeks back.

They conversed for half an hour. Then he went back working, around 50 yards where she was sculping a wood. Charles Arthur George Philip, was kind of affect of the fact that she only orders the coffee only for herself. He misinterpreted the gesture and for minutes he tries to make the synthesis of the first exchange. Of course, the council had influence on her, to understand her reaction you have to take that also in account. She has been asked to react to the prince in kind of cold, cool, friendly and a little bit attaching. Cecilia did not ask the young Prince a single word, the conversion was leading by him. That made him a little bit inconfortable as it gives him the impression of forcing in the relation. Beside all that he was extremely happy. For the first time, since that cursed day of October 5, 1983 when his mother left him, he saw from close a person of his race. He felt in extase of conversing with her. A major fact, for the first time in 20 years the clock stop, the 30 minutes conversation looks like 30 seconds of conversation. The following days his thoughts are crowded by her. Charles had the impression of dreaming, it tastes surnatural. Very long time haven't he felt such magical feeling.

Two days later, he went in the CCFN, he naturally saw her. Prince Charles was sitting on a table; he came as the first time but went straight to the bartender and orders something. She neither greeted nor spoke to him. Charles than has the feeling then the last time, he did not make good impression. Then decided not to go to her or speak to her as she saw him, but just sit and observe how she would react. He hopes she might recall him and spoke to him.

For the young Prince speaking to him means forcing in the relation. Worst even the relation was developed later, he fears to appear weak in it.

Cecilia drank her coffee and then went back to work. It was 11 am as the first time. The council with its political bargaining succeeds launched the process of ending that would have been a great relation. Because, our British Consulate is in the French Consulate, the council as the monarchists has influence on her. Then the terrorist organisation succeeds puting the relation in a slide on which it could succeed.

Come, then to the Prince the feeling of being in TV after being sitting close to her. It stirrs up enormousely in the Prince all his memories of his mother, father and relatives. He felt as sitting close to his mother 20 years back. Cecilia looks hugely as his mother. It is magical such feeling that Charles felt according to many person close to him.

All that is almost over as she did show any gesture of friendship or of knowing. A couple of days later, Charles. Saw her, she repeated almost the same gesture, everything that makes him think the relation was really over. The decadent progress of the relation depresses him; he had the feeling of not being important for her to speak to him, to love him as we live in a materialistic world. The event shakes in him memories of when he was with his mother and enjoying all the honours and interests that goes with his title of Prince Heir to the throne. That is the unarticulated feeling he had. All of sudden he wanted to be free and live his former life. He told himself may be if she saw him in TV, she would show interest in him. Very sad feeling for a young man, he had to live with that.

What would he think then when three days later, she saw her walking and conversing with a Nigerien military? First of all he wanted to know the relation between them? What would a French earned with a Nigerien military because the country was one of the poorest in the world? He has this feeling in coming to realize on the material drive humans. He felt a mix feeling on one hand if it’s her boyfriend he would feel as the all had to have with his status of student. He told her, he was studying, MP he was doing. He lost hope in the relation, he is disappointed deeply. He went there a couple of days later, he did not see her. Charles Arthur never sees her againt, she surely went back in France, if she was still then in Niger. Because nothing proves that she recently comes from France. He never sees her again. That was exactly what made him hesitated in speaking to the new woman. He fears that the relation, strong without speech ended in deception as that one. He told himself, if the first one pretend not remarking him the second time, why would this new woman do, French as the first and in the same centre.

In fact, Charles was not motivated by a proper sentimental objective, no. It was a support for him to think about his family, his mother from whom he was taken in tears. Anytime, she saw her, he felt less depress, he felt less anxious. His regular going in CCFN for seeing her was kind of weekly trip to visit his family.

The relation, had more symbolic connotation than something else, Arthur Charles said many times; she never had sexual desire for her. When if it is a sentimental relation, it should be the first thought. It is only in familial relation spirit that you did not see a woman on the charnel side when having sentimental relation with her. For months I went there seeing Cecilia in vain. He never got see her again, he was deeply disappointed. Still this conversation has changed me, and my life for ever. It stirs up my identity and relatives. It helps him refreshing his memories. He quite well said it many times that in the wave of his encounter with Cecila that he would not marry a black colour woman or a Nigerien, not in racism or in any ill thinking reason, just because he wanted to reunite with his own colour through a marital relation.

Contrary to the second French he met there, Charles felt strong desire for Cecilia, everything that sorts out the nature of the relations.

Still nothing brought me joy and happiness than watching that woman always dressed all in black. Through every glance I throw her appear my mother, Queen Elizabeth II, my grandmother, The Queen Mother.

The inspiration of loving through staring sensually the loved one came from my reading of Victoria Hugo's ' Les Miserables.' A series of books that marked me profoundly.

Still, every time the Prince went there, it is with the intention to speak to her, but he never wanted it. The thought is surely to give sense to something that had all its sense though he could not see it under awareful form: he needs a visual support to think about his beautiful mother and relatives. The gesture is not different of a person who has a picture of his beloved in his purse and regularly get it out for thinking about her. Still even in the same CCFN there were many beautiful French women but none had his eyes.