July 30, 2018.
It was in 2009, the Prince heir to the British throne had his DUEL and started the third year of English Department. A year back their students scholarship was increased of their double, his financial status has changed. For a new status a new way of dating, at least to check if the mercenaries false norm created to hamper him having a sentimental lifewas true or not. He decided to play the game of sentimentaleconomic dating. Whenever, Balkisa visited him he bought her beverages and food suitable for the conversation purpose. He also did her various gifts. She was declared by the other mercenaries as easy going regarding sex, but the Prince did notsee that. Months after the beginning of their relation she refuses to have intercourse with him, despite the financial engagement that they said the sine qua non condition of a developed sentimental relation. She was portrayed by those mercenaries as almost a prostitute of the area, though not the classical prostitutes whose job wasprostitution. Balkisa was studying, she was doing 4eme,then.
It was after endless insistence that on the night of March 27, 2009 that they had their first intercourse. She comes that night as usually they started conversing, close to each other. Indeed with her since the beginning of the relation the physical aspect was involved. The major difference was that night she did not refuse going further. She just conditioned the sexual relation to a XOF 2000. With a calm, cold and controlled voice, she said, "I brought a cloth for being sew, I need XOF 2000 to take them...". The prince did not refuse to give her the money, thing he did as promised. But, when she left he felt not at ease as he has the impression of sleeping with a prostitute, as manifestly without the money, she would not accept the intercourse. It is heartbreaking as Charles Arthur was in quest of real love, and wanted the intercourse to be just one aspect of the all. She did it, and felt not fulfilling his goal. The same council was behind this corruption of their relation. Still the sexual intercourse did not deviate him from his freedom fight. It just motivated him; it just made of him a normal young.
He tried in vain to save the relation lost cause for a lost fight. She was living less than 2 miles from the place, Charles was jailing. She was under the control of the same mercenaries that were imprisoning him.
At the university he had many sentimental relations any were allowed to survive the limits of FLSH. The council and accomplices ruined all of them. The most notable relation he had then was with Kina. Pieces after pieces she was pupated destroying the relation by not taking seriously the prince. On the other side the council manipulated the classmates of the prince to bully him in friendly but inappropriate way at the presence of the girl so that she did not respect him. That is how exactly this relation in which the Prince puts great hope has been destroyed.
After the failure of his relation with Balkissa, the Prince did not stop there, he falls in love withTiti another girl less than 1 mile from the house he was kept. The relation was more intense than any the Prince had in terms of complicity but the council and its accomplices never let it to go further. Still the gifts the prince gave her were of any common measure.
In 2006 when Charles was feeling the weight of his imprisonment without any contact with his race a girl was brought in the house at the north side of the jailed. With her family they were under influence of the British. Madi as that was her name was chosen for looking as Charles Arthur's mother, Queen Elizabeth II. She came in a critical moment of Charles' imprisonment. The prince feels isolated from his own race as he imprisoned in Aeroport with any opportunity of seeing his fellow white.