He was jailed without sentimental life Part 1

July 19, 2018

In this new series a close person to Prince Charles depicted without passion and any taboo, the heir to the British throne sentimental life aspect of his hostage keeping. Prince Charles has seen and approved this series and even enriched it with many precious information. We will present you in many parts this series.

Part 1

   Charles Arthur George Philip, the Prince heir to the British throne is jailed without sentimental life. That is a systematicallyand methodicaly applied politics of imprisonmentof Charles.  The policyof imprisonment is done more to even a normal prisoner. A classical prisoner is jailed with even possibility to see his loved ones and even having intercourses with his girlfriend or with his wife. Whereas Charles Arthur is jailing without any possibility of sentimental and sexual life. All the men and women that surround and keep him hostage are under the control of the Council and its accomplices.

 It was lately that the prince became mature, exactly at age of19. When normally a man reaches pubertyaround 16, some men experienced it at 14. Charles biological life was ruined by the different antibiotics, bismuth and infections that were used to blackenhim superficiallyand clean his memory . All those substances and sickening have impacts on the reproductive system. The major aspects that have huge effects are the bismuth and the Addison's diseases.They both created hormonal disorder.

 Still, before the Council decided to continue keeping him hostage as longer as it could in 1989, he was blackening superficially yes, but his whiteness and normal growth were kept even in the formand spirit then. As illustration he was not yet sickening with the Addison's diseases. Moreover, he was feeding with mix Western and Nigerien diet. That made in 1988, as every kid he played with little girls as boyfriends and girlfriends.  The other kids of his age even fear him, he was bigger than and his whitenesswas frightening for them. He looks wild for them with his blond hair and blue eyes. They did everything he told them. Not because those kids children of the same mercenariesthat were jailing him were not asked to be tough with him, butonly because quite young they were, their natural instinct of fear is stronger than the instructions that were given to them.

  Before that cruel year of 1989 the terrorist organization expects finding a deal with the monarchists for the prince, release. They wanted them to accept give up Charles absolute right to the throne against his release. Their plan was making Prince of Wales heir tho the throne, against all the different laws and charters of our kingdom.

  After 1989  Charles was victim of abig scale campaign of superficial blackening with the very harmful bismuth and the Addison's diseases in 1993. Though it was the 1996 infection with the illness that has devastative impacts on his growth and reproductive system. 

  It was in 1996 that the Prince heir to the throne ejaculate for the First time. It was during a night not as the other according to many eye witnesses close to the kidnapped prince. On the clock, it was around 8 pm and something. He invited a girl of the jail to come courting with him. She was a little older than him, he never came. How could when under the influence of the same mercenaries that were keeping himhostage? It was in deception thatstarted the sentimental life of the Prince. They love him any good to let him hadany normal youth for a normal life. They want him broke not to prevent him hazing a sexual life.

  He was in the second grade of junior School called 5eme in the French education system. The tortured prince attempted to seduce in CEG 10 some girls. Of course This is called lost cause before he did even that . All his classmates and School mates were carefully selected to enforce his imprisoning while giving hima corridor for being educated. Still all those students astheir families were under the tight control of the Council. It has given strict instructions to those females students Charles might speak not tobe of any kind regarding him. To arrange  nothing the first girl to whom he would speak for the first time in his life was pointed out to him by his class mates, particularly under the control of the council. She was prepared about how to react to him. He went to her, she stopped her and started speaking to her, hardly did she stands to listen to him. In the first time she pretends as not understanding French. Then she said she was in hurry, she would come back a little later. She never came back. The prince concludes to put a black ink on it.

She was a fleshy girl a little bit quite fat. A girl with a flat face for a fat body. She was chosen in looking to both his adoptive sister Marsha John ( Sarah Ferguson) and his grandmother, the Queen Mother. A little recall is needed here, three years back she recalled both upon seeing a woman in the jail that looks as both. The mercenaries saw that and were immensely alarmed to see him recalling in distinct awareness form his beloved ones. Then a mechanism of hating them and isolating their memories need to be found. Choosing a girl looking like them that would be unfriendly to him is the mechanism chose. Charles Arthur would consider they did not love him, they have forgotten him as the girl looking like them acted like so. Here is how they wanted the young prince to articulate the matter. His sentimental life was sacrifice on the alter of forgetting those angels that flesh him. Sad and irresponsible willyou say. Call itas you want they do not care. They are criminals and terrorists.They not want you to love them.

 He could not know the first time what happened with that girl. Her cold reaction. Still the prince though young sense thatsomething was wrong, the all look as staged. But he could not know what. On the other hand he was under deep bismuth intoxication and Addison's sickening which has huge impacton his sexual hormonal life. And the greatest of all there was his urgent desire to be free and not to be rooted in the West African country by having a sentimental life. That made for him it was not so urgent to rush for having a girlfriend. The prince busy himself withhis studies that he expected to free him and help him forgetting his sentimental life. He became oneof the brightest students of his class. 

 He passed to the fourth grade of junior School. The mercenaries did not give up striving to have him forgotten his relatives by ruining his sentimental life. Reason why, in 4eme they managed to have sitting close to him a girl that both looked as the one he spoke to months back when he was in 5eme. Here a precision isneeded the first girl was of Husa ethnics, the prince was put in Zarma context regarding his imprisonment with his kidnappers cover up as Zarma and them forcing him to learn the language. He never comes to master well the language but to interactwith the kids of his age that were chosen for the essential from the ethnics in logic of forcing the prince to speak it by default, he learns it. The clear forced politics of forcing him learning the language and putting him in this context is more than clear. For the Husa represent around 50% of the Nigerien population when the Zarma goes with around 25%. Then by no way in an area of Niamey the Zarma being numerous that the Husa. So that is how the prince is forced speaking the Zarma though whenever he could spoke French he chooses it. Whereas, the Husa language though he heard it somehow, he did not master it enough to speak it. That is reason why he could not converse well with that girl who was cover up not understanding both French and Zarma that made the communication between the two impossible. Whereas, the girl that was chosen to be his table neighborin 4eme was from Zarma ethnics and was a brightstudent and understand well French. To repulse the Prince  not having sentimental interest in her, she was selected from poor family and neighborhood. She was from the poor suburb of Niamey named Taladje, just separated to Wadata where the Prince was kept hostage by a green belt(a bush). And this student she did not takebath regularly and wore clean dress. He breaths heavy corporal odorfrom her. That was how the status quo regarding Charles' sentimental life is maintained then on the ground in 4eme.

   The council's mercenaries were working actively to brainwash him to approach negatively having a sentimental and sexuallife. All around the Prince hostage keeping area they work actively to portray dating and having a sexual life and a child out of wedlock as evil. They initiated the all in the very house, Charles was kept hostage with one of their mercenary, who recently became matture and was dating another man, a military. Her father was a liman a religious clerk.Of course for him it could be understood naturally as religious key figure he could not accept her daughter having  an inappropriate sentimental life. She even had a daughterout of wedlock with the man this was in 1992. The mercenaries exploited this first example to portray as evil having a sexual life and a child out of wedlock. In all the surrounding of the jail, they covered up many of the girls part of the imprisonment network as their parents as having a child out of marriage after during months show them dating with men. They push the other mercenaries to criticize them bitterly and portray those girls as delinquents.The goal being brainwashing the kid to think very irresponsible and evil than having a sentimental and sexual life, with the risk of such possible consequence of having a child out of marriage. Of course, he never falls in this trap. In this same class of 4eme, he flirted with a girl named Roukaya. They took together a picture, in which funnily as Charles hold her in his arms while the picture was taken his tongue slips out of his mouth. More than enough for the mercenaries to use the picture as a support to bully him, ruined the relation and destroy his confidence in himself. Of course the picture was edited hugely to extendhis tongue which though was out, but not at the extend he has seen it in the picture the girl by herself show him, and which cliché he took for another development. Of course, he felt kind of unease toward her, for the tongue that was out her month, she did not say something negative of the gesture by itself, and acted as it does not matter as she was asked to do so. But the all add upas they have edited the picture to exaggerate something simple. He brought the cliché at the Village Artisanal not too far from his hostage keeping house for development. The photographer that developed the picture was pushed to bully him. He said something as 'How can a big boy as you, tongue slip out while taking a picture with a girl',and continued 'without this gesture the picture would have been better'. The game of the mercenaries issimple pushing the kid not having confidence in himself for continuing the relation and even initiate new ones. Though they aim before everything discouraging him being proud of himself in continuing looking the picture. But their real goal was to distract the Prince from the real point which was his whiteness they were working actively not to have him see it, as they were attempting to blacken him superficiallythey have already infected him with the Addison's disease though as always his whiteness remainsintact. Moreover, his face has been seriously distorted and blackened to hide his whiteness and resembling with his mother. 

   Anyway since despite the sabotage the young Prince continues the relation with Roukaya despite the picture, the matter was becoming serious they had to sabotage the relation. Few months later, when he did not expect it she was declared married. Yes, her first real girlfriend was covered up married. Of course, with her hecould have a good relation  because she was from the British System though close to the American System as well just as her covered up relatives family, the Seyni’s family. They covered her up as being from rich background as living in a two stories building in a capital where owning a many stories buildingis synonym of wealthiness. Her only flaw was that she was not from educated family, her father wasa wealthy uneducated merchant. Anyway, they do not mean the poor kid to have a sentimental life, they had no rest before doing that by a way or another. And the deal is sealed, she was declared married, the prince has to find a new girlfriend. Though with even the former they kept the relation undeveloped as possible, the pair exchanges were limited only to the school yard between the two rings of the morning break. Her father was portrayed as a very strict father who did not allow her daughter having boyfriends who courted her in their house.

On the other hand in 4eme, he started doing a private course on course units as math, physics, and on biology. It was for the Council an opportunity to distract him in  having a sentimental life, beside its militancy for the continuation of the hostage keeping. A new mercenary was introduced in the hostage keeping circle. It was a very bright and beautiful girl, who was selecting as looking as the Prince’s mother, Queen Elizabeth II. She paraded few weeks at the course, more modeling than even showing interest to the course. The image that was given to her was kind of though beautiful and from middle class family, she from uneducated family, though her lack of French expression  ( She always speaks in Zarma). She was easy going in terms of opennessto the others, but Charles was never attracted by her for her apparent lack of educated behavior.Because the Prince was deeply aware of his title, history and background. He had anything against modest people, but being kept hostage in poor condition and entertaining a relation with a woman of modest extraction was as resigning to his imprisonment realities in which the mercenaries want to confine him mentally. The equation is set accepting dating a woman of poor extraction means resizingto the hostage keeping. And they play a lot with that to prevent him having a sentimental life. Few months later, the girl of the private course was declared at the course engaged to a wealthy merchant, not educated as well through the description they made of the man. They were preparing him as well to accept the engagement of Roukaya they were preparing then. As they wanted him to deal with it, as they do not belong to the same social class  On the other hand, they were grinding the Prince to repulse the memories of his mother that the girl was chosen looking at.