October 06, 2018.
Prince Charles after doing his primary schools in Nouveau Carré, Wadata 2, and Croix Rouge where he got his certificate; he started his secondary school in CEG 10. In the school close to the ceinture verte or the green belt, Prince Charles did the 6 eme, 5 eme and 4 eme respectively the first, second and third year of junior school.
He started the 6eme in the school after the council prevented him passing the test of enfant de troupe. With this test the Prince expected to have a freedom opportunitywith this study opportunity.
It was during the academic year 1996-1997 that he did the 6eme. Prince Charles did 6eme M6 it was one of the last classes of the School, on its north side. His biology teacher was the wife of Ikada, a wealthy Tuareg businessman, in the corner behind the house in he was held there in Mosque Koweit. The woman was of Husa ethnics- black skin, though bright as well. She was chosenfor looking as Prince Charles' grandmother, The Queen Mother and also as Marsha John (Camilla Parker). Ikada the cover up husband of the woman was covered being polygamous, his second wife was a Tuareg as him: very bright almost white. She had a fashion shop, less than 20 yards from the jail. She looks at high extant as Prince Charles grandmother, The Queen Mother and nieceMarsha with her flat face, bright yellow skin that is close to white. She shows up so that the Prince tolerates his imprisonment, by repulsing the memories of his mother and Family. Because the Prince was jailed with mercenariesthat were selecting looking as Marsha as the Council is doing everything to repulse the memories of his mother. It was only at university that he was surrounded by a mercenary that looks like his mother, Rakia Dadie. But she was made using lightening products intending to have the Prince repulse also memories of his mother, by being a little bit attached to her.
I was in 5eme in 1998 when I reached puberty, if you can call it so; the very harmful bismuth has serious consequences on my health and delay my reproductive growth. In fact that night I more forced myself to ejaculate under the influence of my mates who told me reaching puberty. Upon hearing that I forced myself to ejaculate. It is more urine than something else. That proves if needed that I am the father of Brooklyn. It was only in 2000 that I really reach puberty. Since that famous night of 1998, I was constantly scared about my reproductive health, and ask myself what is wrong with me for not ejaculating as my other mates This is a serious crime against humanity than intoxicating a political prisoner at such extent.
The council having understood my worrying send a young mercenary (Sako) of around my age to calm my anxiety in 1998. He was portrayed as the nephew of one of the mercenariesthat were jailing Prince Charles. He said coming freshly from the false countryside of Tessa, a village created pieceafter pieceto give a false Nigerien roots to Oscar Wild and Iren Samson, themercenariesthat were imprisoning Prince, heir to the throne. Sako was pushed befriended Charles, after he was introduced in the jail in 1998. He told him, he wanted Charles to introduce him Niamey where he settled in his uncle house, May Gandu for continuinghis studies in the Nigerien capital. That is the technique the mercenaries found to create familiaritybetween the two, and to distract Charles in his homesickness and fear of not being fertile as not seeing signs of puberty contrary to his mates.
In the course of their relation they go in the toilette for taking a bath. Charles whose fear over not being a normal young did not only limit to the lack of regular erotic dream; sees that as him, Sako had very few few hair around his sexual organ; when he told him being born in 1982, one year before 1983 that council wanted him to believe as the year of his birth year. Whereas he knows himself being born in 1981. Of his Identity that is the only point that is present in his brain in an articulate form. In our western societies the birth year is something very important that defines the person at an extent it is celebrated with anniversaries every year. Already before he was deported and imprisoned in the wave of the palace coup, Charles celebrated 3 anniversarieswith his Mother and family members. And who can Forget the pompous days Royal family anniversaries after being at the center of three, especially as the son of the monarch, and the heir to the throne of the Kingdom? That is the reason that being born in 1981 is something very clear to me, and whenever I have the opportunityto ask my birth date I put clearly: born in 1981. That is how on my school libraries cards of then, I wrote clearly born in 1981. Whenever, someone asked me when I was born, I said to him without hesitation: in 1981. It is at purpose that Sako was reported born in 1982; knowing that Charles holding without any doubt his birth year, would feel reassured of seeing a kid one year younger than him had very few hair in the intimate part as him. That though a little bit reducing his fear did not end it, without even knowing that Sako's hairs were reduced before he played the scene of the toilet.
For matter of kind of balancing the lie of Sako being senior of Charles thing that he knew false and might influence his knowing that he was pupated, he was made being in 6eme, when Charles was doing 5eme. Then he could feel on this side being older than him.
It was this year that Prince Charles started reading tales and legends books, though he is quite older for them. His abnormal grow did not influence his literary taste. No! Only cartoons books and magazines were put on his ways whenever he went in the school library, the other books used tough French that he had pain to understand without dictionary. The goal of the mercenaries was putting him in Nigerien perspective with the African legends and tales, the best channel to orientate a kid toward a given culture. He spent many hours in CEG 10's library reading African cartoons as Kouakou. It depicts themisadventureof an Africanyoung boy of the same name. After he was fascinated by the plot of the cartoon talking about African cities, Charles is attracted by the cartoon at an extent that he even started to buy the magazine with the few coins, he could have. Over the days he even started to read in the same library and even borrow from it the others cartoons and African novels as he was orientated to them by their teachers. So Alzouma did not create in him the desire of reading Africain novel, no. But, what he did was removing him from the genre of cartoon literature to African and French literature with the novels of Amadou HampatéBa. Hold on, the council propaganda did not stop there big politics is used; politicianwas recruited and promoted to make the promotion of the imprisonment familles (false Family). For example beside the then ruling Nigerien President, Bare Mainassara, the remaining main Parties were given names made of the combinations of the imprisonment cover up kids. There were Hama Amadu, Mohamadu Issufu, Mahaman Ousman, Mohamadou Tanja, Chefou Amadou, Hamid Algabit, Moumoni Germakoy (The only one not to have Mahamadou in his name, but Moumouni is close to Mohamadu as well. That is only because there were decidedly quite too much names made of the combination of Mohamadu.) Nonetheless, even Bare Mainassara (the Mainassara is a name obtains by the blending of Mohamadu and Hassane) is chosen in this logic and total attempt of putting Charles in Nigerien perspective by making the main actors of the country political life carrying the names of cover kids. It is a radio or TV he turns, he only heard their names a pronounced. Mohamadu is the name of the third kid, son of Jean Bradley and Sophie Humphreys that was brought to hide the imprisonment.
In the same period a musical group named Toubal ( Toubal and Toubi any mention is needed) is hired and promoted, with one of the singer of the group named Kouakou singing about the Nigerien political class being dominated by Mohamudu's. Logically the same man left the group for beginning a solo careerand imagines he was covered up having relatives few yards from the Wadata's jail (Charles was imprisoning then). He regularlypassed in the area so that he sees him and got influence by the song.
In the area of the imprisonment in Zabarkane, you could see then a giant poster of Mohamadu Issoufou close to the headquarter of his Party (In every details of his personality, he looks as John Jason). Prince Charles whenever passing close to that poster that were there for years, spent seconds looking it, in remembering of John, and his grandmother whose memories come to him. Even the wife of Bare was chosen in such logic, she was portrayed being a French Nigerien, named Clémence Assai Bare, selected for looking as the Queen Mother and Marsha. No comment is needed as that was the council masterpiece of making the promotion of the false, and criminal name of Joseph Hassane, a name resulted from their parallel program of which Prince Charles has nothing to have. The council alone did not shape the Nigerien political scene such way. It was helped by its accomplices that it was using to imprison Charles in Niger. When you mean France, America, and Great Britain, you mean the political class of the country as shaped by those countries’ Embassies. Our Kingdom High Commission was operating then. And it did not participate in this methodic naming process, but the council through its part power coming from its polar, Elizabeth II succeeded to put a small likening touch.
Few days later, Oscar the mercenarygave Charles Nigerien books: tales and legend of a fictive writer, Mariko Kelteji (the force attempt to bring touch of Mohamadu is clear through the Mariko, when in his forename, traces of the Joseph transpires). Thebook was entitled with the evocativetitle "The tales and Legends of Niger”. The second book was of Bubu Hama ( Hold on the same name Hama appeared) titled ' Kotia Ni Ma'. In the book he talks about his childhood in Niger. The force attempt to put Charles in Nigerien perspective is more than clear.
It was at beginning of 1998-1999 academic year that Charles did for the first time his CCFN card and started taking logically the books Alzuma (The Touch of Amadu is around as well) leading him to, to talk about "Wangrin" and " The Comteof Monte Christo". Of course he could not find Wangrin, but he borrowed The Comteof Monte Christo ( The centre continues the politics of putting himin Nigerien perspective but attenuating it by relying it more on France than on Niger, then not far from Great Britain). But days later, he found anAfrican novels, of the Most toxic genre, especially " The Old Negro and the Medal" in French "Le Vieux Negre et la Médaille". The librariansused as well are central in the putting of the perspective. There were one with flat face, with Nigerien scare chosenfor looking like The Queen Mother, very Bright. And a French Nigerien half cast was place as the main librarian, the man being receptionist. The woman was chosen for looking highly as Prince Charles' mother, Queen Elizabeth II. The only differenceis few years later, when Charles reached Terminal when he went in CCFN for finding scientific books, in the other wing (scientificlibraryof the center). Shebehaved unfriendly toward him. The goal was having him repulsedhis mother, Great Britain and France so that he fought to have ascholarshipfor America, instead of his country, Great Britain, or France close to it. Both scenario meaning freedom for him.
It was the " The Old Negro and the Medal" that made Charles being interested in the African literature.The readingof the bookin 4eme in1998 appealing inhim contradictory feelings. The book was edited by the mercenariesjailinghim use the abuses of colonizationas a mean to detach himself from his Kingdom with its rich history of exchanging with the other people of the world. Still though young he was enough rational to discern revisionof history to historic fact. The colonization belongs to another epoch, it is the responsibilityof historians to write what happened. What attracted the Prince in the book was the simplest fact that the book talks about his Kingdom through France with which we have both a rich history of interactionswith the other nations. Beside, even the strong relation between our two countries.
After, the " Old Negro and the Medal", he readsmany other African novels as," The black child" or "L' Enfant Noir" of Camera Lay.
CEG 10 is around two miles on the East side of the jail, close to the green belt, or ceinture verte as it is called in French. If the Prince is oriented in the School it is because the councilcontrolledit. As the other schools the Prince did, the students and lecturers were chosento put Charles in Nigerienperspective. How willyou say? The techniques is simple the students girls and boys were selected in looking like the members of his family. But here a precisionis needed whose family?The Family of Charles' uncle, John Jason? As said itendless times the council uses Jason's family living in the US, with whom an American kid was simulated kidnapped the same day Charles heis transported to LA. The kid is chosenin looking like Charles, so that in parallelthe terroristorganizationwill use it as fuseto hide Elizabeth II’s responsability in the imprisonment orsacrilege.With the plan America will bemadethe consequencesof the killing of the British heir to the throne.
In 1990s the council divides and exploitsthe same destruction of the American political classto have them destroy their owncountry by empowering and enriching in the same proportion China. A politics theyimplementedstrictly knowing the consequencesfor their country as it is quite evidentand easy to understand that the deallocationof American companies in China will lead to China being a world superpower and even more powerful than the USA right now, to speak something know by all. Elizabeth IIis playing exactly the same politics of smart and even shameful clear destruction of the same America, through pupating America playing politics of fusewith the most planetary sensitivepoliticalissue of the 21rst Century, being the on going 35 yearsimprisonment of Prince Charles' the heir to the British throne. An imprisonment in which America is pupating playing the first role, as though the circle monitoriVillageArtisanalegaveng the imprisonment is theFrench circle, the essential of the mercenaries are all and totally in the American System and it is the same America that is pupating playing the fusepolitics of Hassane Issoufou, Joseph Hassane and Joseph John all criminal and false names in which I have absolutelynothing to have with them. The American political class playing the politics of fusewas corrupt to think it is something easy and without consequences. Whereas, exactlyjustaswith China when the danger is clear and at sight for America but thecouncil plays it politics of American companies profiting of Chinesetwo billions people markets. when we all see that China is playingpatrioticeconomy but developing exactly the same companiesas Americait is the same with for example Facebook, Twitter or Apple and preventing their citizens using American productswhere selling them theirs.
The same politics of destruction of America for empowering China and depriving the Council of its fuseand delocalise power, is it done only by the council? No the same Council has been outsmarted by Queen Elizabeth II who them in collaboration with them defendsher interests that does not always goesagainst thatof her son (though she made her choice, in Prince Charles she sees essentially an enemy). She outsmarted the Council to deprive it of its delocalised power, weakening and destroying America and the council to develops her own System. The ready given outsmarted pretextgiven to the council todestroy America for China was the monarchists weregraduallyhavingmore power in the USthan the Council. So, better delocalise its power and empower countries as China. Of course in the purpose of the appliance of the same plan, the American political classby refusing to withdraw its support to the council and makingPrince being released as always playing the same politics of fuse;determined and pushedKing George VI's Systemin the America participating in the same politics, as the council playedclearly a politics which has nothing to have withAmerica or its interests. For example over decades in the same proportion the American political class or leaders were pupated by the Council to prevent Charles' release, America was destroyedin favour of China with the same principle of gradual and immediateretaliation.
We all remember 2001 was the year Charles instead of being release with the brevet was deported andimprisoned in Aeroport by W. Bush everything that leadto 9/11 according to many. Over those years the daystortures, humiliationsand deny of the rights of the Prince goes with the gradual destruction of American for China. Many of American companies are controlled by Great Britain and the other countries on which Britain has influence as well. That is beside the political help in the American political class. Most often those political leaders fulfill their personal elective ambition at the detrimentof theircountry’s general interests.
The greatest freedom’s opportunity Prince Charles haswas with the baccalaureate in 2004-5 when he got the baccalaureate and expected to have a grant.Elizabeth II prevented him having the grant by playing the same politics of fuse. They applied their planed politics of having the Prince wanting to do his undergraduate studies in the US instead in Great Britain or even in Europe, so that by no way would that be freedom for him. To achieve this goal even French mercenariesjailing the Prince were pupated to insult and criticizetheir country scientificadvancement comparing America. You can heard Mainéone of his classmate in Terminal saying, France did not even master the drone fabrication technology, it is obliged to buy themfrom America. The goal was to put the Prince loving America over France, Great Britain and Europe in one, so that by no would it come to his brain studying home, and being free.It is during the 2003’s holydayswhen Charles passed to Terminal that they started applying this politics with his visit of Frenchmercenary, Awal’s house.
That midday before he went, they staged a sceneof plan of post grammar schoolstudies. One said that in France when a person goes studying, he became even so often mad, as intelligence is not well exploited. He gave a false example to back his lying. Altine was another mercenarywho illustrated himself that morning. Hemoved tosay thatstudying inAmerica was the best thing to do. The members of the brainwashing Fada is well selected to looklike as always John Jason's family. The goal being to put Charlesin American perspective, and the American mercenariesplay this game as well. Theydiverted the Prince from fighting to be totallyfree by attempting to go in the US to study. It is quite obvious that he had very few chance to have a freedom opportunitythrough attempting to have a studying Grant for the US. Because it istheAmerican Systems ( that of Ronald Reagan and George Bush) that thecouncil used to imprison Prince Charles in Niger. The mercenariesthat were jailing were recruited, trained and led by George Bush forQueen Elizabeth II. By the time I was pupating to fight for having the American grant, it was George Bush's son W. Bush that was the American President. Then beside the politics of transforming America as fuse, it is quite clear the same W. George Bush who was monitoring my imprisonment wouldnotletmebe free through the same America, he was the President, especially when Bush had all the time to prevent me having it. He was just recently reelected. The all is called pushed there and contained.
And the monarchists from both two countries UK and US do not sleep as well as they fight to defendtheir Prince. At the same time the council was pushing Bush making America a fuse, they retaliate with Tsunami, and Hurricane Catherina and many other hurricanes. Those so called natural disasters were not they are men created. All of them were ingeniored in Bermuda Islands. Those hurricanes and many other political sabotages of America by the monarchists as we said it contributed in weakening America and making China rose up considerably and takes America's power. For example the tsunami in Asia weakened many American key partners in the regionas Taiwan, Philippine, and Indonesiaand allow China to take their place as economic platform. In fact Taiwan without strong Philippine, South Korea and especiallyIndonesiais isolated of American assistance. It is in regular retaliation that America and its allies in the region was weakenedfor China to rose.
The Tsunami was the key inweakening of America in combination with 9/11 , the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. China is exactly the result of American politics of fusefor the council. Because then America manipulated by the Council hampered Prince Charles being released and pay the huge price for the same. Would have the Prince apply for Great Britain (his Kingdom), or even France, he would have the scholarshipor creating lot of problems for Elizabeth II and the council because if it denies the grant, it would be for them a great scandal.
My 6eme First Semester credit report
My 6eme Second Semester credit report
In CEG 10 he was always a very brilliant students, who had one goal having a diploma for getting a grant and being free. For that purpose he disciplines himself for being the best student possible.
For example in 6eme at the first semester, he had 10.71/20 and was 7th in a class of 45 students. Whereas in the last semester, 11.77/20 and was the 2nd in always in 45 students. Do not look the grades he had, but the rank he occupied. The council doing everything so that the classes would not let himhave a good grades. It even demanding teachers to grade himbadly so that the Prince does not have the feeling of being a brightstudent. For example his mates who were not doing the same school and did the same class told him in their class, the first of the class had 17, 18 or even more. It is an extremely easy class. Prince Charles did 6eme during the academic year 1996-7. In 4eme he was once again one of the brighteststudents of his class. At the first semesters.
Second Semester 4eme Credit Report
He did for example 5eme with mates as Kader Bubé, Kassum Amadu, Runkaya Amadu, Nuhu Garba Farka, Ayuba, Hider Noma. It was the year 1997-8 the Prince started leaving the imprisonment house and area for going atthe Fada of Salah the shopkeeper where hehang out with those mates. The place of the conversation is not chosen at random it was close to Wadata 2 his primary School where he went alone, and close to the house of Rukaya his first love. The binary relation of memories of false feeling of a kid who could walk around 2 miles from the jailand feels an illusory feeling of freedom, when the cool feeling of love intended all to make him felt attached to Niamey, Niger. In one Word that Fada intends to make him feel not jailed. They spent many sleepless night conversing around a kettleof tea, and eatingwhat is called Niebe. It was during one of those nights that in the house of Kader Bubé, Abdulay the Tuareg mercenarywho was declared a painter in VillageArtisanalegave him erotic magazine. In the same circle of classmates there are Markos and Charles both from Benin, the neighboringcountry of Niger. In Niger the Benineseand Togolese are badly portrayed, they are stigmatizedand discriminated, this has everything to have with Xenophobia.The goal of the mercenaries was to bringCharles' name and have him repulsed itby associating it to a stigmatizedBeninese.
In 4eme Prince Charles was alsoone of thebrilliantstudents of his class. He was doing in parallelprivate courses of Math and PC and Biology. Thecouncil registered him there for having another side for continuinghis brainwashing himon the other side. But the Prince didthe best he could the private courses for having a great understanding of those fields in order to be free.
He was in 4eme in this school when Elizabeth's mercenaries jailing him trying to transform him in homosexual.Through his classmates, he learned that one of his schoolsuperintendentswas a homosexual.They said that he used to lure students in his house, proposing them in parallelcamera while asking them to do him oil massage. It was Abdulay that told him that.
Prince Charles did not do 3eme in this school;buthe did it in Famey a private school less than 2 miles from it.
n, in the corner behind the house in he was held there in Mosque Koweit. The woman was of Husa ethnics- black skin, though bright as well. She was chosenfor looking as Prince Charles' grandmother, The Queen Mother and also as Marsha John (Camilla Parker). Ikada the cover up husband of the woman was covered being polygamous, his second wife was a Tuareg as him: very bright almost white. She had a fashion shop, less than 20 yards from the jail. She looks at high extant as Prince Charles grandmother, The Queen Mother and nieceMarsha with her flat face, bright yellow skin that is close to white. She shows up so that the Prince tolerates his imprisonment, by repulsing the memories of his mother and Family. Because the Prince was jailed with mercenariesthat were selecting looking as Marsha as the Council is doing everything to repulse the memories of his mother. It was only at university that he was surrounded by a mercenary that looks like his mother, Rakia Dadie. But she was made using lightening products intending to have the Prince repulse also memories of his mother, by being a little bit attached to her.
I was in 5eme in 1998 when I reached puberty, if you can call it so; the very harmful bismuth has serious consequences on my health and delay my reproductive growth. In fact that night I more forced myself to ejaculate under the influence of my mates who told me reaching puberty. Upon hearing that I forced myself to ejaculate. It is more urine than something else. That proves if needed that I am the father of Brooklyn. It was only in 2000 that I really reach puberty. Since that famous night of 1998, I was constantly scared about my reproductive health, and ask myself what is wrong with me for not ejaculating as my other mates This is a serious crime against humanity than intoxicating a political prisoner at such extent.
A video of my visit in the school on August 05. I started filming that afternoon from Famey where I did my 3eme down to CEG10. As I filmed and commented the entire visit you will see the school when the video footage reached it. When I came to the school I saw people sitting at the entrance, I decided not to enter it. But you have a full view of inside the school which is in the area, Route Filingué of Niamey.
The council having understood my worrying send a young mercenary (Sako) of around my age to calm my anxiety in 1998. He was portrayed as the nephew of one of the mercenariesthat were jailing Prince Charles. He said coming freshly from the false countryside of Tessa, a village created piece after piece to give a false Nigerien roots to Oscar Wild and Iren Samson, the mercenariesthat were imprisoning Prince, heir to the throne. Sako was pushed befriended Charles, after he was introduced in the jail in 1998. He told him, he wanted Charles to introduce him Niamey where he settled in his uncle house, May Gandu for continuinghis studies in the Nigerien capital. That is the technique the mercenaries found to create familiaritybetween the two, and to distract Charles in his homesickness and fear of not being fertile as not seeing signs of puberty contrary to his mates.
In the course of their relation they go in the toilette for taking a bath. Charles whose fear over not being a normal young did not only limit to the lack of regular erotic dream; sees that as him, Sako had very few few hair around his sexual organ; when he told him being born in 1982, one year before 1983 that council wanted him to believe as the year of his birth year. Whereas he knows himself being born in 1981. Of his Identity that is the only point that is present in his brain in an articulate form. In our western societies the birth year is something very important that defines the person at an extent it is celebrated with anniversaries every year. Already before he was deported and imprisoned in the wave of the palace coup, Charles celebrated 3 anniversaries with his Mother and family members. And who can Forget the pompous days Royal family anniversaries after being at the center of three, especially as the son of the monarch, and the heir to the throne of the Kingdom? That is the reason that being born in 1981 is something very clear to me, and whenever I have the opportunity to ask my birth date I put clearly: born in 1981. That is how on my school libraries cards of then, I wrote clearly born in 1981. Whenever, someone asked me when I was born, I said to him without hesitation: in 1981. It is at purpose that Sako was reported born in 1982; knowing that Charles holding without any doubt his birth year, would feel reassured of seeing a kid one year younger than him had very few hair in the intimate part as him. That though a little bit reducing his fear did not end it, without even knowing that Sako's hairs were reduced before he played the scene of the toilet.
For matter of kind of balancing the lie of Sako being senior of Charles thing that he knew false and might influence his knowing that he was pupated, he was made being in 6eme, when Charles was doing 5eme. Then he could feel on this side being older than him.
It was this year that Prince Charles started reading tales and legends books, though he is quite older for them. His abnormal grow did not influence his literary taste. No! Only cartoons books and magazines were put on his ways whenever he went in the school library, the other books used tough French that he had pain to understand without dictionary. The goal of the mercenaries was putting him in Nigerien perspective with the African legends and tales, the best channel to orientate a kid toward a given culture. He spent many hours in CEG 10's library reading African cartoons as Kouakou. It depicts the misadventureof an African young boy of the same name. After he was fascinated by the plot of the cartoon talking about African cities, Charles is attracted by the cartoon at an extent that he even started to buy the magazine with the few coins, he could have. Over the days he even started to read in the same library and even borrow from it the others cartoons and African novels as he was orientated to them by their teachers. So Alzouma did not create in him the desire of reading Africain novel, no. But, what he did was removing him from the genre of cartoon literature to African and French literature with the novels of Amadou HampatéBa. Hold on, the council propaganda did not stop there big politics is used; politicianwas recruited and promoted to make the promotion of the imprisonment familles (false Family). For example beside the then ruling Nigerien President, Bare Mainassara, the remaining main Parties were given names made of the combinations of the imprisonment cover up kids. There were Hama Amadu, Mohamadu Issufu, Mahaman Ousman, Mohamadou Tanja, Chefou Amadou, Hamid Algabit, Moumoni Germakoy (The only one not to have Mahamadou in his name, but Moumouni is close to Mohamadu as well. That is only because there were decidedly quite too much names made of the combination of Mohamadu.) Nonetheless, even Bare Mainassara (the Mainassara is a name obtains by the blending of Mohamadu and Hassane) is chosen in this logic and total attempt of putting Charles in Nigerien perspective by making the main actors of the country political life carrying the names of cover kids. It is a radio or TV he turns, he only heard their names a pronounced. Mohamadu is the name of the third kid, son of Jean Bradley and Sophie Humphreys that was brought to hide the imprisonment.
In the same period a musical group named Toubal ( Toubal and Toubi any mention is needed) is hired and promoted, with one of the singer of the group named Kouakou singing about the Nigerien political class being dominated by Mohamudu's. Logically the same man left the group for beginning a solo career and imagines he was covered up having relatives few yards from the Wadata's jail (Charles was imprisoning then). He regularly passed in the area so that he sees him and got influence by the song.
In the area of the imprisonment in Zabarkane, you could see then a giant poster of Mohamadu Issoufou close to the headquarter of his Party (In every details of his personality, he looks as John Jason). Prince Charles whenever passing close to that poster that were there for years, spent seconds looking it, in remembering of John, and his grandmother whose memories come to him. Even the wife of Bare was chosen in such logic, she was portrayed being a French Nigerien, named Clémence Assai Bare, selected for looking as the Queen Mother and Marsha. No comment is needed as that was the council masterpiece of making the promotion of the false, and criminal name of Joseph Hassane, a name resulted from their parallel program of which Prince Charles has nothing to have. The council alone did not shape the Nigerien political scene such way. It was helped by its accomplices that it was using to imprison Charles in Niger. When you mean France, America, and Great Britain, you mean the political class of the country as shaped by those countries’ Embassies. Our Kingdom High Commission was operating then. And it did not participate in this methodic naming process, but the council through its part power coming from its polar, Elizabeth II succeeded to put a small likening touch.
Few days later, Oscar the mercenary gave Charles Nigerien books: tales and legend of a fictive writer, Mariko Kelteji (the force attempt to bring touch of Mohamadu is clear through the Mariko, when in his forename, traces of the Joseph transpires). Thebook was entitled with the evocative title "The tales and Legends of Niger”. The second book was of Bubu Hama ( Hold on the same name Hama appeared) titled ' Kotia Ni Ma'. In the book he talks about his childhood in Niger. The force attempt to put Charles in Nigerien perspective is more than clear.
It was at beginning of 1998-1999 academic year that Charles did for the first time his CCFN card and started taking logically the books Alzuma (The Touch of Amadu is around as well) leading him to, to talk about "Wangrin" and " The Comteof Monte Christo". Of course he could not find Wangrin, but he borrowed The Comte of Monte Christo ( The centre continues the politics of putting himin Nigerien perspective but attenuating it by relying it more on France than on Niger, then not far from Great Britain). But days later, he found anAfrican novels, of the Most toxic genre, especially " The Old Negro and the Medal" in French "Le Vieux Negre et la Médaille". The librarians used as well are central in the putting of the perspective. There were one with flat face, with Nigerien scare chosenfor looking like The Queen Mother, very Bright. And a French Nigerien half cast was place as the main librarian, the man being receptionist. The woman was chosen for looking highly as Prince Charles' mother, Queen Elizabeth II. The only differenceis few years later, when Charles reached Terminal when he went in CCFN for finding scientific books, in the other wing (scientificlibraryof the center). Shebehaved unfriendly toward him. The goal was having him repulsedhis mother, Great Britain and France so that he fought to have ascholarshipfor America, instead of his country, Great Britain, or France close to it. Both scenario meaning freedom for him.
It was the " The Old Negro and the Medal" that made Charles being interested in the African literature.The readingof the bookin 4eme in1998 appealing inhim contradictory feelings. The book was edited by the mercenaries jailing him use the abuses of colonizationas a mean to detach himself from his Kingdom with its rich history of exchanging with the other people of the world. Still though young he was enough rational to discern revisionof history to historic fact. The colonization belongs to another epoch, it is the responsibilityof historians to write what happened. What attracted the Prince in the book was the simplest fact that the book talks about his Kingdom through France with which we have both a rich history of interactions with the other nations. Beside, even the strong relation between our two countries.
After, the " Old Negro and the Medal", he reads many other African novels as," The black child" or "L' Enfant Noir" of Camera Lay.
CEG 10 is around two miles on the East side of the jail, close to the green belt, or ceinture verte as it is called in French. If the Prince is oriented in the School it is because the councilcontrolledit. As the other schools the Prince did, the students and lecturers were chosento put Charles in Nigerien perspective. How will you say? The techniques is simple the students girls and boys were selected in looking like the members of his family. But here a precision is needed whose family?The Family of Charles' uncle, John Jason? As said itendless times the council uses Jason's family living in the US, with whom an American kid was simulated kidnapped the same day Charles heis transported to LA. The kid is chosenin looking like Charles, so that in parallelthe terroristorganizationwill use it as fuseto hide Elizabeth II’s responsability in the imprisonment orsacrilege.With the plan America will bemadethe consequencesof the killing of the British heir to the throne.
In 1990s the council divides and exploits the same destruction of the American political classto have them destroy their own country by empowering and enriching in the same proportion China. A politics theyimplementedstrictly knowing the consequencesfor their country as it is quite evidentand easy to understand that the deallocationof American companies in China will lead to China being a world superpower and even more powerful than the USA right now, to speak something know by all. Elizabeth IIis playing exactly the same politics of smart and even shameful clear destruction of the same America, through pupating America playing politics of fusewith the most planetary sensitivepoliticalissue of the 21rst Century, being the on going 35 yearsimprisonment of Prince Charles' the heir to the British throne. An imprisonment in which America is pupating playing the first role, as though the circle monitoring the imprisonment is theFrench circle, the essential of the mercenaries are all and totally in the American System and it is the same America that is pupating playing the fusepolitics of Hassane Issoufou, Joseph Hassane and Joseph John all criminal and false names in which I have absolutelynothing to have with them. The American political class playing the politics of fusewas corrupt to think it is something easy and without consequences. Whereas, exactlyjustaswith China when the danger is clear and at sight for America but thecouncil plays it politics of American companies profiting of Chinesetwo billions people markets. when we all see that China is playingpatrioticeconomy but developing exactly the same companiesas Americait is the same with for example Facebook, Twitter or Apple and preventing their citizens using American productswhere selling them theirs.
The same politics of destruction of America for empowering China and depriving the Council of its fuse and delocalise power, is it done only by the council? No the same Council has been outsmarted by Queen Elizabeth II who them in collaboration with them defends her interests that does not always goesagainst thatof her son (though she made her choice, in Prince Charles she sees essentially an enemy). She outsmarted the Council to deprive it of its delocalised power, weakening and destroying America and the council to develops her own System. The ready given outsmarted pretextgiven to the council todestroy America for China was the monarchists were graduallyhavingmore power in the USthan the Council. So, better delocalise its power and empower countries as China. Of course in the purpose of the appliance of the same plan, the American political classby refusing to withdraw its support to the council and makingPrince being released as always playing the same politics of fuse;determined and pushedKing George VI's Systemin the America participating in the same politics, as the council playedclearly a politics which has nothing to have withAmerica or its interests. For example over decades in the same proportion the American political class or leaders were pupated by the Council to prevent Charles' release, America was destroyedin favour of China with the same principle of gradual and immediateretaliation.
We all remember 2001 was the year Charles instead of being release with the brevet was deported andimprisoned in Aeroport by W. Bush everything that leadto 9/11 according to many. Over those years the days tortures, humiliations and deny of the rights of the Prince goes with the gradual destruction of American for China. Many of American companies are controlled by Great Britain and the other countries on which Britain has influence as well. That is beside the political help in the American political class. Most often those political leaders fulfilltheir personal elective ambition at the detrimentof theircountry’s general interests.
The greatest freedom’s opportunity Prince Charles has was with the baccalaureate in 2004-5 when he got the baccalaureate and expected to have a grant.Elizabeth II prevented him having the grant by playing the same politics of fuse. They applied their planed politics of having the Prince wanting to do his undergraduate studies in the US instead in Great Britain or even in Europe, so that by no way would that be freedom for him. To achieve this goal even French mercenariesjailing the Prince were pupated to insult and criticizetheir country scientificadvancement comparing America. You can heard Mainéone of his classmate in Terminal saying, France did not even master the drone fabrication technology, it is obliged to buy them from America. The goal was to put the Prince loving America over France, Great Britain and Europe in one, so that by no would it come to his brain studying home, and being free.It is during the 2003’s holydays when Charles passed to Terminal that they started applying this politics with his visit of Frenchmercenary, Awal’s house.
That midday before he went, they staged a scene of plan of post grammar schoolstudies. One said that in France when a person goes studying, he became even so often mad, as intelligence is not well exploited. He gave a false example to back his lying. Altine was another mercenarywho illustrated himself that morning. Hemoved tosay thatstudying inAmerica was the best thing to do. The members of the brainwashing Fada is well selected to looklike as always John Jason's family. The goal being to put Charlesin American perspective, and the American mercenaries play this game as well. They diverted the Prince from fighting to be totallyfree by attempting to go in the US to study. It is quite obvious that he had very few chance to have a freedom opportunitythrough attempting to have a studying Grant for the US. Because it is the American Systems ( that of Ronald Reagan and George Bush) that thecouncil used to imprison Prince Charles in Niger. The mercenaries that were jailing were recruited, trained and led by George Bush forQueen Elizabeth II. By the time I was pupating to fight for having the American grant, it was George Bush's son W. Bush that was the American President. Then beside the politics of transforming America as fuse, it is quite clear the same W. George Bush who was monitoring my imprisonment wouldnotletmebe free through the same America, he was the President, especially when Bush had all the time to prevent me having it. He was just recently reelected. The all is called pushed there and contained.
And the monarchists from both two countries UK and US do not sleep as well as they fight to defend their Prince. At the same time the council was pushing Bush making America a fuse, they retaliate with Tsunami, and Hurricane Catherina and many other hurricanes. Those so called natural disasters were not they are men created. All of them were ingeniored in Bermuda Islands. Those hurricanes and many other political sabotages of America by the monarchists as we said it contributed in weakening America and making China rose up considerably and takes America's power. For example the tsunami in Asia weakened many American key partners in the regionas Taiwan, Philippine, and Indonesiaand allow China to take their place as economic platform. In fact Taiwan without strong Philippine, South Korea and especiallyIndonesiais isolated of American assistance. It is in regular retaliation that America and its allies in the region was weakenedfor China to rose.
The Tsunami was the key in weakening of America in combination with 9/11 , the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. China is exactly the result of American politics of fusefor the council. Because then America manipulated by the Council hampered Prince Charles being released and pay the huge price for the same. Would have the Prince apply for Great Britain (his Kingdom), or even France, he would have the scholarship or creating lot of problems for Elizabeth II and the council because if it denies the grant, it would be for them a greatscandal.
In CEG 10 he was always a very brilliant students, who had one goal having a diploma for getting a grant and being free. For that purpose he disciplines himself for being the best student possible.
For example in 6eme at the first semester, he had 10.71/20 and was 7th in a class of 45 students. Whereas in the last semester, 11.77/20 and was the 2nd in always in 45 students. Do not look the grades he had, but the rank he occupied. The council doing everything so that the classes would not let him have a good grades. It even demanding teachers to grade him badly so that the Prince does not have the feeling of being a brightstudent. For example his mates who were not doing the same school and did the same class told him in their class, the first of the class had 17, 18 or even more. It is an extremely easy class. Prince Charles did 6eme during the academic year 1996-7. In 4eme he was once again one of the brighteststudents of his class. At the first semesters. (credits reports of 4eme)
He did for example 5eme with mates as Kader Bubé, Kassum Amadu, Runkaya Amadu, Nuhu Garba Farka, Ayuba, Hider Noma. It was the year 1997-8 the Prince started leaving the imprisonment house and area for going atthe Fada of Salah the shopkeeper where hehang out with those mates. The place of the conversation is not chosen at random it was close to Wadata 2 his primary School where he went alone, and close to the house of Rukaya his first love. The binary relation of memories of false feeling of a kid who could walk around 2 miles from the jail and feels an illusory feeling of freedom, when the cool feeling of love intended all to make him felt attached to Niamey, Niger. In one Word that Fada intends to make him feel not jailed. They spent many sleepless night conversing around a kettleof tea, and eating what is called Niebe. It was during one of those nights that in the house of Kader Bubé, Abdulay the Tuareg mercenarywho was declared a painter in Village Artisanal gave him erotic magazine. In the same circle of classmates there are Markos and Charles both from Benin, the neighboringcountry of Niger. In Niger the Benineseand Togolese are badly portrayed, they are stigmatizedand discriminated, this has everything to have with Xenophobia.The goal of the mercenaries was to bringCharles' name and have him repulsed itby associating it to a stigmatizedBeninese.
In 4eme Prince Charles was alsoone of thebrilliantstudents of his class. He was doing in parallelprivate courses of Math and PC and Biology. Thecouncil registered him there for having another side for continuinghis brainwashing himon the other side. But the Prince didthe best he could the private courses for having a great understanding of those fields in order to be free.
He was in 4eme in this school when Elizabeth II's mercenaries jailing him trying to transform him in homosexual.Through his classmates, he learned that one of his schoolsuperintendentswas a homosexual.They said that he used to lure students in his house, proposing them in parallel camera while asking them to do him oil massage. It was Abdulay that told him that.
Prince Charles did not do 3eme in this school; but he did itin Famey a private school less than 2 miles from it.